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清代商人鲍廷博酷爱图籍,他集收藏、校勘、刻印于一身,收藏图书上万卷,内中多宋元精品。四库全书开馆,他拣选宋元善本呈献,受到朝廷的嘉奖。而他用毕生之力刊刻的《知不足斋丛书》,收书广,刊刻精,为清代最有名的大型丛书之一。与一般的私家刻书不同,他的刻书思想主要体现在对皇帝顾眷的感恩,秉承先志,不是从刻书中获利,而是注重刻书品质,为乾嘉学者服务,创造图书精品。 Bao Tingbo Qing Dynasty merchants love map books, he set collection, collation, engraved on a collection of books on the volume, within the multi-Song quality. Sikuquanshu opened, he chose the Song and Yuan presented, by the court’s commendation. And he used the power of his life published in the “Book of Knowledge”, received wide book, published fine, as the Qing Dynasty one of the most famous large series. Different from ordinary private engraving, his idea of ​​engraving mainly embodies thanksgiving to the Emperor’s family members. He does not profit from the engraving but focuses on the quality of engraving and serves the cadres and scholars and creates the best books.
By means of infinite-dimensional Kac-Moody-Virasoro symmetry group transformation, rich localized (3+1)-dimensional excitations such as dromions, ring-shape and
8 0年代中后期,在全球范围内掀起了神经网络(Neural Network)的研究热潮。这种新的计算体制,突破了传统的Von Neumam计算机固有的一些缺陷,其在处理随机、模糊及不完整信息
We designed and fabricated an arrayed waveguide grating based on silica-on-silicon materials with flattened spectral response by adding a multimode interference
A new imaging method is proposed to determine the three-dimensional dipole moment orientation of single fluorophore. Far-field microscopy can provide orientatio
An alteative method is applied to the study of nucleon-nucleon scattering phase shifts within the framework of the extended quark demoralization colour-screenin
This study gives our calculation for the specific heats Cvi due to an Ising model using the observed Cp data for the Ⅱ-Ⅲ and Ⅱ-Ⅳ phase transitions in NH4Ⅰ.
人的一切行为都是由引发这种行为的某种动机引起的,同样,学生的学习行为也无时无刻不受到其学习动机的激励和调节。在学习过程中,如果学生能够保持一种较高的、健康的学习动机,那么他就能对学习充满积极性和主动性,争做学习的“主人”;反之,如果学生被一种低落、低俗的学习动机支配,那么他不仅会失去学习的兴趣,更有甚者可能会造成其人格的畸形发展,最终沦为学习的“奴隶”。  心理效应作为一种特殊的心理现象,在影响学