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保康县电影公司是1953年成立的一个事业单位,到1984年底全公司已有电影院7个,电影放映队80个,职工66人,固定资产92,5万元,流动资金7,5万元.全县电影事业得到了迅速的发展,但县电影公司在成立后的32年中,却连年亏损,成为财政上的“长期救济户”. 去年初,县财政部门对这个公司采取了“亏损不补,盈利全留”的措施.在改革的新形势下,公司领导逐步认识到:不能再过“舒服”日子,拿“安稳钱”.他们从管理入手,挖掘内部潜力,主要采取了三条措施: 一是“放”.公司对所属各电影院及区、乡、镇放映队下放经营管理自主权,实行单独核算,“收入定额上交,支出定额下拨”.各电影院、队 Baokang County Film Company is a public institution established in 1953. By the end of 1984, the company had 7 cinemas, 80 film screening teams, 66 employees, 9.2 million yuan in fixed assets, and 75,000 yuan in liquidity. The film industry in the county has developed rapidly. However, in the 32 years since its establishment, the county film company has been losing money year after year. It has become a financial “long-term relief household”. At the beginning of the year, the county finance department took a loss on the company. The measures of not making up and leaving all profits remain. Under the new situation of reform, the company’s leaders gradually realized that they can no longer enjoy “comfortable” days and get “safe money”. They started from management and tapped internal potential, mainly taking three Measures: First, “putting in.” The company decentralizes management and autonomy for its cinemas and district, township and town projection teams, and conducts separate accounting. “The income quota is handed over and the fixed amount of expenditure is allocated.” Each cinema and team
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