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●3月17日下午16点45分。杰出的数学家、教育家,著名的社会活动家,中国共产党的优秀党员。中国人民政治协商会议第七、八届全国委员会副主席,中国民主同盟中央委员会名誉主席,中国科学院院士苏步青教授在上海与世长辞。苏老走了,平静,安详。●一小时后。近千名学生在复旦大学校园网上发帖子沉痛悼念一代大师。同学们倡议:“为数学研究做点什么来悼念大师的离世”“静下心来进行数学研究,是对苏老最好的缅怀和纪念”。●当晚,数学系的全体学生自发举办悼念活动。许多学生找来了洁白的纸,花了整整一夜的时间,折叠出千串纸鹤,并写下了一条条真切的挽联,藉此悼念苏老的高风亮节。●3月18日清晨,纸鹤与挽联,系在了数学楼前的梧桐树上:追思与悼念,也永远地刻在了复旦师生的心中。●3月19日下午,复旦大学数学系举行本科生缅怀苏步青先生座谈会。●3月20日至3月23日,苏老的学生从四面八方赶来表达自己的哀思。●3月24日上午,苍松翠柏环抱下的龙华殡仪馆显得格外庄严肃穆,苏步青遗体告别仪式举行。●3月24日下午,“复旦师生缅怀名誉校长苏步青教授座谈会”举行。每一天,人们都在被苏老的精神打动着、感召着。正如复旦大学党委书记秦绍德所言:“苏老是一面旗帜。他的理想、他的信念、他的情操,令人震撼:他教书育人时所焕发出的人格魅力和亲和力,令人从心底折服。他品德高尚,无私奉献,堪称做人典范:他学识卓越,辛勤耕耘,不愧为师楷模。” ● March 17 at 16:45. Outstanding mathematician, educator, prominent social activist, outstanding member of the Chinese Communist Party. Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, Seventh and Eighth National Committee vice chairman, honorary chairman of the China Democratic League Central Committee, Chinese Academy of Sciences Professor Su Buqing died in Shanghai. Su Lao gone, calm, serene. ● One hour later. Nearly a thousand students in the Fudan University campus online post painfully mourn generation master. Students suggested: “Do something for the study of mathematics to pay tribute to the death of the master.” “To stop and study mathematics is the best memory and commemoration of the Soviet Union.” ● On that evening, all students in the Department of Mathematics spontaneously organized memorials. Many students got white paper, took a full night’s time, folded thousands of paper cranes, and wrote a real elegance, in order to mourn the sumptuous style of the Soviet Union. ● March 18 early morning, paper cranes and elegiac couplet, Department of mathematics in front of the sycamore tree: memorial and mourning, but also forever engraved in the hearts of Fudan teachers and students. ● On the afternoon of March 19, undergraduates held a memory of Mr. Su Buqing’s symposium held by the Department of Mathematics of Fudan University. From March 20 to March 23, Soviet students came from all directions to express their grief. ● On the morning of March 24, the Longhua Funeral Parlor surrounded by pines and cypresses is particularly solemn and Su Buqing left a funeral ceremony. ● On the afternoon of March 24, “Fudan teachers and students remembered honorary president Professor Su Buqing” forum. Every day, people are being touched and inspired by the spirit of the Soviet Union. As Qin Shaode, party secretary of Fudan University, put it: "Su-wei is a banner whose ideals, his convictions and his sentiments are shocking: the charisma and affinity he glows when teaching and educating people makes people heartfelt Impressed with his high moral character, selfless dedication, called a model of man: He learned excellence, hard work, worthy of a model teacher.