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在油田油水井开发生产中,因油管故障造成的油水井躺井很多,且造成的经济损失较大。文中归纳油管损坏的原因有:斜扣硬上致使油管丝扣损坏;滑道对油管的损坏;击打、碰撞、液压钳,管钳咬伤使油管造成损坏,也有操作不当、油管材质低劣、加工工艺不合格造成的损坏。在分析各种损坏的原因的基础上,提出八条措施预防此类故障发生,对油田生产管理有一定的借鉴作用。油管故障是油水井躺井的重要故障之一,据统计分析,我队每年施工的采油厂的作业井因油管故障而修井,占年总作业施工井的45-60%左右,由此引起的作业直接费用约达几千万元。因此分析油管故障产生的原因,采取防治措施是油田生产急待解决的问题。 In the development and production of oil and gas wells in oilfields, there are many oil and water wells that are caused by faulty tubing, resulting in large economic losses. The reasons for the damage of the tubing in the paper are as follows: the skew buckle hard to cause damage to the tubing screw; slide damage to the tubing; hits, collisions, hydraulic clamps, pipe wrench bites damage the tubing, improper operation, poor tubing material, Damage caused by unqualified processing. Based on the analysis of the causes of all kinds of damage, eight measures are put forward to prevent such failures from occurring, which will be of reference to oilfield production management. Tubing fault is one of the most important faults in oil and water wells. According to statistical analysis, the wells of the oil production plant constructed by our team each year suffer from tubing failures and account for about 45-60% of the total annual construction wells, resulting in The direct cost of homework about tens of millions of yuan. Therefore, analysis of the causes of tubing failure, to take prevention and control measures is an urgent need to solve the oil field production problems.
我国著名血液学家陈文杰教授因病于 2 0 0 0年 3月 30日在天津逝世 ,享年 76岁。  陈文杰教授 1948年毕业于北京大学医学院 ,195 2年赴朝鲜参加中国人民志愿军防疫检验 ,19
A series of high quality single crystalline epitaxial Zn 0.95 Co 0.05 O thin films is prepared by molecular beam epitaxy.Superparamagnetism and ferromagnetism a
阜新蒙古族自治县的化石乡哈尔脑村,有位老人叫张文贺,他面容和善、喜爱恬淡,看似平凡却有着不平凡的经历。   张文贺, 1947年参军。在解放战争和抗美援朝战争中,曾参加了有名的