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高职生的个人道德状况主要表现在学习、生活、交友三大方面。调查表明,高职生在学习方面的个体道德存在知行脱节问题,而在生活方面与交往方面的个体道德总体表现较好。针对高职生的个人道德状况,应强化社会主义核心价值观教育,突出道德教育的导向性;夯实道德榜样教育,增强道德教育的感染性;巩固生活德育教育,体现道德教育的渗透性;实施网络道德教育,展现道德教育的多样性。 The personal morality of higher vocational students is mainly manifested in the three aspects of study, life and making friends. The survey shows that there is a disconnect between higher vocational students’ individual morality in learning and that of individual morality in life and communication is better overall. In view of the personal morality of higher vocational students, we should strengthen the education of the core values ​​of socialism, highlight the orientation of moral education, reinforce the moral education of morality, enhance the contagion of moral education, consolidate the moral education of life and reflect the penetration of moral education, Moral education shows the diversity of moral education.
在商战中,谁能划分消费者差异性,对市场细分,形成正确的市场定位,谁就离成功之道近了一步。 日本“日伊高级百货店”经长期观察,发现刚开门营业时的顾客80%为妇女,男人多半是
一、2003年价格形势分析 2003年以来,陕西经济起步高,运行质量好,经济结构正在发生积极变化。进入4月份,面对突如其来的“非典”疫情,陕西省各级价格部门以“三个代表”重要
个人港澳游带来江门旅客进出两旺 随着个人港澳游的开放,从江门进出的旅客大幅增长,月增长达到六成。针对客流量急剧增长的情况,江门海关积极采取相应措施:一是进一步加强与
With the finite element method and the limit equilibrium method, a numerical model has been established for examining the effects of rainfall infiltration on th
随着放射影像学的进展,手术技巧的提高,结合微血管重建术,采用经颅面联合径路(cranilfacial surgery,CFS)治疗临床上罕见的颅底良恶性肿瘤,渐成为首选方法.但此类患者不多,无一个中心可收治足够数量患者并采用CFS治疗,评价其疗效.为此,由17个医疗中心组成的国际协作组进行合作,回顾分析大宗病例,以期较客观地评价CFS的安全性和有效性,本文对分析结果进行总结。
The entity of serrated adenoma of the colorectum was first proposed in 1990, and it was characterized as epithelial neoplasia combining the architectural featur