发挥优势 做大做强新疆旅游业

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在国民经济发展中,旅游业是一个能够增收创汇、拉动内需、带动相关产业发展的“综合性产业”。党的十六大以来,自治区在政策上确立了把旅游业作为我区优势产业和先导产业优先发展的战略,并采取各种措施解决旅游业发展中的深层次问题,使旅游业得到了较快的发展,这对于促进我区改革开放和国民经济发展、增加就业渠道、带动农牧民脱贫致富奔小康发挥了越来越重要的作用。改革开放以来,我区的旅游业依托得天独厚的资源优势和区位优势,呈现出持续快速增长的势头,经历了历史性跨越,已成为促进对外开放和产业结构调整的先导产业。并且正在成为新疆国民经济新的增长点和最具发展潜力的优势产业之一。2003年,我区的旅游业虽然因受“非典”的冲击,接待外国游客人数仅有14万人次,创汇4300万美 In the development of the national economy, tourism is a “comprehensive industry” that can increase foreign exchange earnings, stimulate domestic demand and promote the development of related industries. Since the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the autonomous region has established the policy of giving priority to the development of advantageous industries and leading industries in our region by taking the policy of tourism as its priority, taking various measures to solve the deep-seated problems in the development of tourism and making the tourism industry more competitive Rapid development, which is to promote the reform and opening up in our region and national economic development, increase employment channels, driving farmers and herdsmen out of poverty to become more well-to-do has played an increasingly important role. Since the reform and opening up, the tourism industry in our region has enjoyed a sustained and rapid growth and has undergone historic leaps and bounds and has become a leading industry for promoting the opening up and industrial restructuring, relying on its unique advantages in resources and location. And is becoming one of the new growth points for Xinjiang’s national economy and the most promising industry with the most potential for development. Although the tourism in our district was hit by “SARS” in 2003, the number of foreign tourists receiving it was only 140,000 and the foreign exchange earning 43 million U.S. dollars
据介绍,四面环山的爨底下村坐落征北侧缓坡上,依山而建,共有四合院70余套,建筑以清代风格为主。整体构思,巧妙布局,与周围环境达到了完美统一。 It is reported that the v
胰岛素抵抗是2型糖尿病(DM)主要的致病机制之一。2002年以来,我们对初发2型DM患者检测血浆抵抗素(R)水平,并与单纯肥胖人群比较,以探讨R在2型DM致病机制中的作用。 临床资料
波士顿的夏天很温和。熟悉这个季节的人们,或终日流连在城中的 Newbury 街,喝露天咖啡或红酒,打望帅哥美女;或去城外的哈佛广场,约朋友在十字路口的 Coop 书店门口见面,如果