
来源 :政策与管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Calvin521
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引入竞争机制是医疗机构改革的重中之重随着城镇职工基本医疗保险制度、医药卫生体制改革的逐渐推行,医疗费用的支付模式、医患关系相应发生了变化。在这种背景下作为医疗服务供给方的医疗机构将如何发展,现有医疗机构何去何从,成为社会瞩目的问题。在原有体制下,企事业单 The introduction of competition mechanism is the top priority of the reform of medical institutions With the basic medical insurance system for urban workers, the gradual implementation of the reform of medical and health system, the payment mode of medical expenses, the doctor-patient relationship has changed accordingly. Under this background, how to develop the medical institution as the provider of medical service and how to follow the existing medical institutions has become a social concern. In the original system, enterprises and institutions
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由于医院多产出的本质和成本管理的困难 ,医院成本分析已成为世界卫生部门研究的前沿课题。国内外在进行了大量的微观研究的基础上 ,从宏观的角度对医院成本也进行了一些研究
促血管生长因子可以刺激内皮细胞分裂、分化 ,诱导血管新生。为探讨其基因转染是否具有相同的作用 ,作者用构建好的携带人酸性成纤维细胞生长因子 (aFGF)DNA的重组腺病毒载体
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