Non-English Majors'Foreign Language Learning Burnout(FLLB):A Validity Study

来源 :海外英语(上) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lwh_bbs
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The goal of the present study is to develop a more suitable inventory to evaluate the burnout of non-English majors in China, which we called it foreign language learning burnout inventory (FLLB). The operative definition of burnout proposed by Maslach and Jackson is used to define three dimensions (exhaustion, cynicism and reduced efficacy). The selection of items is based on the existing burnout inventories, combining with the consideration of the features showed in the studies of foreign lan-guage learning. In the research, the data obtained from 101 non-English majors and is analyzed for the validity and reliability stud-ies studies of FLLB. Three factors explained 56%of the total variance. Factor loadings ranged from .438 to .742. Cronbach Alpha reliability coefficient for the sub-dimensions ranged from . 861 to . 915. The model indices emerged from the Confirmtory Factor Analysis is [GFI=.994,RMSEA=.067,[X2=458.086, df=206, p<.01]] indicated that there was a good fit.
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