Theory and Applications of Sum-Frequency Generations

来源 :华南师范大学学报(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chris916
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Recently sum-frequency has become a very powerful experimental technique in studying structures and dynamic of molecules on surface or molecules between surfaces.In this talk after brief discussion of the derivation of SFG,various possible types of vibrational and electronic SFG’s will be discussed including the derivations of their quantum mechanical expressions based on the Born-Op- Recently sum-frequency has become a very powerful experimental technique in studying structures and dynamic of molecules on surface or molecules between surfaces. This talk after brief discussion of the derivation of SFG, various possible types of vibrational and electronic SFG’s will be discussed including the derivations of their quantum mechanical expressions based on the Born-Op-
Substitutional doping of framework heteroatoms in photocatalysts is one of the approaches for harvesting visible light. The present work aims to utilize the vis
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