
来源 :西华师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wtmw
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元朝地方立法体现出中国古代地方立法的一般特征和元朝自身的时代特征。在元朝国家治理中,地方核心机构是行省,中央中枢机构是中书省,两者成为地方与中央所有行政、立法和司法工作的中心。元朝地方立法受制于这种国家权力结构。地方上行省成为地方立法的中心,中央中书省成为立法的中心。行省之下设有道、路、府、州、司县等地方五级行政机构,其中道、路成为地方立法中最活跃的主体,承担着地方大量立法,府、州、司县主要是提出立法动议和法律草案。当然,同时拥有本辖区内立法的权力。此外,元朝地方立法中还有军事管理机构———枢密院的行院及相关机构和御史台的派出机构———行台及监察御史等。元朝地方立法主体可以分为机构与官员两类,从立法程序上看,有本级机构制定生效与报请上级立法机构审查裁定后生效两类。元朝地方立法体系体现出元朝立法上中央的统一性与地方的分散性等特点。 The local legislation in the Yuan Dynasty reflects the general characteristics of the ancient Chinese local legislation and the Yuan Dynasty itself. In the Yuan Dynasty’s national governance, the local core institutions were the provinces and the central central agency was the Zhongshu Province, both of which became the center of all the administrative, legislative and judicial work of the local and central governments. Yuan Dynasty local legislation is subject to this kind of state power structure. Local Shangxing Province became the center of local legislation and the Central Secretariat School became the center of legislation. There are five administrative agencies at the provincial, provincial, prefectural, prefectural and county levels under the province. Among them, Dao and Lu have become the most active subjects in local legislation and undertake a large number of local legislation. Propose legislative bills and draft laws. Of course, at the same time have the power of legislation in this area. In addition, there are also military administrations in the Yuan Dynasty’s local legislature --- the pavilion of the Privy Council, the agencies affiliated with the Privy Council, and the sending agencies of the Censor Taiwan - such as running the Taiwan and monitoring the Censor. The main body of local legislation in the Yuan Dynasty can be divided into two categories: institutions and officials. From the point of view of legislative procedure, there are two types of institutions that enter into force when the agencies at the same level have made their entry into force and submitted to the higher level for review by the legislative body. The local legislative system in the Yuan Dynasty reflects the unity of the central government in the Yuan Dynasty and the decentralization of the localities.
<正> 1.前言渗硼方法有固体法、液体法、气体法和等离子法.液体渗硼具有渗速快、效率高、渗后可直接淬火等优点.过去的盐浴渗硼主要以硼砂为主,添加还原剂.由于这种盐浴存在