Study of full waveform inversion based on L-BFGS algorithm

来源 :Global Geology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hujie789
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Full waveform inversion is mainly used to obtain high resolution velocity models of subsurface. The size of full waveform inversion will lead to a gigantic computation cost. Under the available computer resource and the limitation of full waveform inversion,the authors propose L-BFGS algorithm as the optimization method to solve this problem. In order to demonstrate the flexibility of the method,three different numerical experiments have been done to analyze the properties of full waveform inversion based on L-BFGS. Full size waveform inversion is mainly used to obtain high resolution velocity models of subsurface. The size of full waveform inversion will lead to a gigantic computation cost. Under the available computer resource and the limitation of full waveform inversion, the authors propose L-BFGS algorithm as the optimization method to solve this problem. In order to demonstrate the flexibility of the method, three different numerical experiments have been done to analyze the properties of full waveform inversion based on L-BFGS.
·中国腐植酸工业协会行业工作会议专题·弘扬抗洪精神,扎扎实实做好我国腐植酸行业管理 工作——在全国腐植酸行业工作会议上的讲话 ……·:¨……………………………………
【目的】观察学龄前语前聋儿童电子耳蜗植入术后的行为、社会适应能力及心理状态特点 ,探讨电子耳蜗植入术后是否对儿童的行为问题产生影响。【方法】采用儿童心理测量量表 (
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