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一、改劣换优山地栽种的板栗树,其中很大一部分因种性差,结果很少。对这部分树实行改换良种,可明显地提高产量和质量,改接方法:根据改接的数量和人力,分2~3年完成,于3月下旬至4月上旬采用劈接、腹接和插皮接的方法均可,对大树应采取多头高接。改接枝的枝径在1厘米左右的可插一个接穗,枝径在2厘米以上的可适当多插接穗,改接品种宜选用适合当地环境条件、丰产性能好的优良品种,并应注意授粉树的配置。二、促雌技术板栗混合花芽中的雌花序于早春在雄花序的芽体内形成。因此,加强上年的营养生长,提高树体营养水平及萌芽前后增施速效氮肥增加营养或进行修剪,减少养分消耗都是提高雌花形成的有效措施。 First, the change of excellent mountain planted chestnut trees, a large part of which due to poor sex, the results rarely. The implementation of this part of the tree to change the seed, can significantly improve the yield and quality, change the connection method: According to the number and manpower changed, divided into 2 to 3 years to complete, in late March to early April by splitting, abdomen and Plug skin access methods can be, the tree should take bullish high. Change the branch diameter of about 1 cm can be inserted in a scion, branches more than 2 cm in diameter can be appropriate multi-insert spike, change the species should choose suitable for local environmental conditions, high yield good varieties, and should pay attention to pollination Tree configuration. Second, promote female technology chestnut mixed flower buds in the early female inflorescence inflorescences in the formation of buds. Therefore, to strengthen the nutrition growth of the previous year, improve the nutrition level of the tree and increase the speed of nitrogen fertilizer before and after the addition of nutrition or pruning, reduce nutrient consumption are all effective measures to improve the formation of female flowers.
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