发扬十六字精神 夺取生产救灾重建家园新胜利

来源 :共产党员(河北) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sizhezang1
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我省这次遭受的洪涝灾害,整体上讲是1963年以来最大的一次,滹沱河、漳河上游洪峰流量均超过1963年,是50年一遇的特大洪涝灾害。目前,抗洪抢险已取得重大胜利。姜春云副总理对我省抗洪抢险救灾工作给予了“准备充分、决策正确、指挥得力、行动迅速、组织严密、成绩显著”六句话的高度评价。的确,在抗洪抢险救灾斗争中,河北各级干部和广大人民群众,表现出了百折不挠、勇往直前的民族气节、民族精神;表现出了识大体、顾大局,舍小家、为大家的爱国主义、集体主义精神;表现出了公而忘私、甘于牺牲的无私奉献精神;表现出了不畏艰险、连续作战的拼搏精神;表现出了同甘共苦、患难与共的团结友爱精神。正是这种精神,不仅使我们夺取了防汛抗洪抢险的重大胜利,而且也为我们恢复生产、重建家园、确保全年任务完成提供了强大的精神动力和政治保证。但必须清醒地看到,我们目前所取得的胜利,只是抗洪抢险斗争阶段的胜利,灾后恢复生产、重建家园的任务将是更加艰巨。因此,各级各部门,要充分认识恢复生产、重建家园任务的艰巨性和紧迫性,发扬人定胜天的斗争精神,下定决心,坚决把自然灾害造成的损失夺回来。 The flood disaster suffered by our province this time is the largest since 1963. The flood peak flows in the upper reach of Hutuo River and Zhang River all surpassed that of 1963, which was a serious flood disaster in 50 years. At present, flood control and rescue have achieved major victory. Vice Premier Jiang Chunyun gave a high appraisal of the six sentences of “adequate preparation, correct decision-making, effective command, prompt action, well-organized organization with outstanding achievements” in the flood fighting and relief work in our province. Indeed, during the fight against floods, the cadres and the broad masses of people at all levels showed perseverance and courage in their national integrity and national spirit. They demonstrated that they should be knowledgeable about the overall situation, take care of the overall situation, and should give everybody home for their patriotism, The spirit of collectivism; the unselfish dedication of public sacrifice and sacrifice; the fierce fighting spirit of defying hardships and fighting continuously; and the spirit of solidarity and friendship shared by all living together in difficulties and difficulties. It is this spirit that has not only enabled us to seize major victories in flood control and flood fighting but also provided us with a strong spiritual motivation and political guarantee for us to resume production, rebuild our homeland and ensure the completion of our annual mission. However, we must be soberly aware that the victory we have achieved so far is only a victory in the battle of flood fighting and rescue and rescue. The task of restoring production and rebuilding our homeland after the disaster will be even more arduous. Therefore, all departments and departments at all levels should fully recognize the arduousness and urgency of resuming their tasks in order to rebuild their homeland, carry forward the spirit of invincibility and make up their mind to resolutely take back the losses caused by natural disasters.
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