第一讲 新闻标识语言(NewsML)——未来的新闻信息技术标准简介(1)

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《十六大报告》要求各级领导干部,“在实践中掌握新知识,积累新经验,增长新本领”。当前,科学技术日新月异,传媒技术层出不穷、新闻界的各级领导干部迫切需要掌握信息技术的最新动向,了解传媒技术的最新成果,以便领导和推动本单位的信息化进程,在激烈的新闻竞争中立于不败之地。为此,在新的一年里,我们准备为新闻媒体的领导干部开辟“新技术讲座”专栏,力求以通俗易懂的语言、深入浅出的表达方式,介绍新闻传媒领域的最新技术成果和发展动向,希望能对大家有所帮助。也希望各新闻单位的技术工作者将此讲座介绍给领导同志们,请他们百忙中抽点时间充充电。对我们来说,也是一个新的尝试,由于水平所限、经验不多,一定会有许多不足,希望大家多提意见、建议和要求,共同把这一专栏办好。 The 16th National Congress of the CPC requires leading cadres at all levels to “grasp new knowledge, accumulate new experiences and increase new skills in practice.” At present, with the ever-changing science and technology and the endless stream of media technologies, leading cadres at all levels in the news media urgently need to grasp the latest trends in information technology and understand the latest achievements in media technologies so as to lead and promote the informationization process of their own units and neutralize the intense press competition In an invincible position. Therefore, in the coming year, we are ready to open a column of “New Technology Lectures” for the leading cadres in the news media so as to introduce the latest technological achievements and trends in the field of news media in plain language and in simple terms ,hope that it can help us. It is also hoped that the technical workers of various news organizations will introduce this lecture to leading comrades and invite them to take some time to recharge their batteries. To us, it is also a new attempt. Due to its limited level and inexperience, there will surely be many deficiencies. I hope Members will make more comments, suggestions and requests to jointly work out this special column.
当我看完一封反映某工商所派人上路截车乱收费的群众来信后,便在拿上摄像机上路的同时,又将偷拍设备收拾停当一并带上。 按照信上的地址,很顺利地见到写信人。事情也并不复
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