Experimental and simulation optimization analysis of the Whipple shields against shaped charge

来源 :Acta Mechanica Sinica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:whatisbianbian01
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Occasionally,the Whipple shields are used for the protection of a space station and a satellite against the meteoroids and orbital debris.In the Whipple shields each layer of the shield depletes part of high speed projectile energy either by breaking the projectile or absorbing its energy.Similarly,this investigation uses the Whipple shields against the shaped charge to protect the light armour such as infantry fighting vehicles with a little modification in their design.The unsteady multiple interactions of shaped charge jet with the Whipple shield package against the steady homogeneous target is scrutinized to optimize the shield thickness.Simulations indicate that the shield thickness of 0.75 mm offers an optimum configuration against the shaped charge.Experiments also support this evidence. Occasionally, the Whipple shields are used for the protection of a space station and a satellite against the meteoroids and orbital debris. The Whipple shields each layer of the shield depletes part of high speed projectile energy either by breaking the projectile or absorbing its energy. Similarly, this investigation uses the Whipple shields against the shaped charge to protect the light armor such as infantry fighting vehicles with a little modification in their design.The unsteady multiple interactions of shaped charge jet with the Whipple shield package against the steady homogeneous target is scrutinized to optimize the shield thickness. Simulations indicate that the shield thickness of 0.75 mm offers an optimum configuration against the shaped charge. Experiments also support this evidence.
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