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劳动市场是规划职业教育的出发点:就业是职业教育与服务经济发展的结合点,就业是社会需求与个人需求的平衡点,就业与教育政策的组合是职教宏观政策的基本特点。当今中国职业教育必须走以就业为导向的发展道路。一、改革开放以来,我国的职业教育经历了恢复、发展、调整和提高三个阶段,每一个阶段的发展无不与劳动就业市场的变化相联系。改革开放之初,百业待兴,职业教育得以恢复。经过20多年的努力,已经形成了以中等职业教育为主体,初、中、高等职业教育相衔接,与普通教育、成人教育相沟通,公办、民办职业学校共同发展,职业教育和职业培训并举的职业教育体系框架。全国各级各类职业院校总数已达1.63万所,在校生达到1200多万人。随着经济的改革和调整,职业教育资源也在不断优化配置,一批示范性职业学校相继建成,到目前全国已有国家级重点中等职业学校1200多所。 The labor market is the starting point for planning vocational education. Employment is the combination of vocational education and service economy. Employment is the balance between social needs and individual needs. The combination of employment and education policies is the basic characteristic of the macro-policy of vocational education. Today’s vocational education in China must take the employment-oriented development path. First, since the reform and opening up, China’s vocational education has undergone three stages of restoration, development, adjustment and improvement. The development of each stage is linked to changes in the labor market. At the beginning of reform and opening up, all sectors are expected to be revitalized and vocational education will be resumed. After more than 20 years of hard work, it has formed a system of secondary vocational education as the main body, linking primary, secondary and advanced vocational education, communicating with general education and adult education, making common development of public-run and private vocational schools, and combining vocational education with vocational training Vocational Education System Framework. The total number of various vocational schools and colleges across the country has reached 16,300, reaching over 12 million students. With the economic reform and adjustment, vocational education resources are constantly optimized and configured. A number of demonstration vocational schools have been completed one after another. Up to now, there are over 1,200 key secondary vocational schools nationwide.
危机预警是公共危机管理的第一道防线,建立公共危机管理的预警机制,就是要使危机预警成为政府日常管理中的一项重要 Early warning of crisis is the first line of defense
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地位指数表是评定人工林立地质量的林业用表,它以林分优势高确定森林生产力的等级,也是决定森林各种经营措施的基础数表。 刺槐是江苏沿海主要造林树种。1985年我们在沿海各
各位领导、各位专家: 《解开汉字之谜》(Cracking the Chinese Puzzles)是用英文写的,五大本,3244页。为了使用方便,后来改成简缩本,主要是略去了很多读物,都是些介绍中国文