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  一、it 做主语指代单个人/物。
   it做主语通常指代除人之外的任何东西,也可指代上文提到的事物,间或指小孩或不知是谁心目中的人,如"who is it?"之类句子中的it,还可指代时间、天气、距离等。
  1.—He was nearly drowned once.
  —When was_______?
  —_______was in 1998 when he was inmiddle school.(2002北京、内蒙古、安徽)
  A.that;It B.this;This
  C.this;It D.that;This
  2.The Parkers bought a new hOUSe but_______will need a lot of work before they canmove in.(NMET 2001)
  A.they B.it C.one D.which
  【分析】答案是B。it代替上文中提到过的事物,此处指a new hOUSe。
  3.The doctor advised Vera strongly thatshe should take a holiday,but_______didn'thelp.(2005全国卷Ⅱ)
  A.it B.she C.which D.he
  【分析】答案是A。it代替上文中提到过的事"The doetor advised Vera strongly that…".
  it做形式主语时可以用不定式或动名词做真正主语,用于句型It is adi./n.to do sth.和句型It is n0 use/no good/useless do-ing sth.。
  1.In fact,_______is a hard lob for the police to keep order in an important football match.(2001上海)
  A.this B.that C.there D.it
  解析:答案是D。分析语境和句子成份可知,to keep order in an important football match为不定式做真正主语,所以空档应用it做形式主语。
  2.It is no_______arguing with Bill be-cause he will never change his mind.(2006全国卷Ⅱ)
  A.use B.help C.time D.way
  解析:答案是A。句中arguing with Bill为动名词做真正主语,It为形式主语。
  3.The chairman thought_______neees-sary to invite Professor Smith to speak at the meeting.(2005全国Ⅰ)
  A.that B.it C.this D.him
  【分析】答案是B。it做形式宾语代替to invite…。
  4.As the busiest woman in Norton.she made______her duty to look after all the other people's affairs in that town.(2006湖南)
  A.this B.that C.one D.it
  【分析】答案是B。it做形式宾语代替t0 look after…。
  三、it 做主语用来指代that从句。
  it做形式主语时可用that从句做真正主语,常见句型如下:It is one's belief/hope/thought/idea/opinion/view that(某人相信/希望/认为);It is no wonder/a pity/a shame that(难怪/真可惜/真不害臊);It is+adj.+that(……是……的),It is+过去分词+that(据……)。
  1.______is our belief that improvements in health care will lead to a stronger,more prosperous economy.(2006浙江)
  A.As B.That C.This D.It
  2.The Foreign Minister said."______our hope that the two sides will work towardspeace."(2004北京)
  A.This is B.There is
  C.That is D.It is
  3.______in the regulations that you should not tell other people the password of your e-mail account.(2005上海)
  A.What is required
  B.What requires
  C.It is required
  D.It requires
  解析:答案是C。分析语境和句子成分不难发现,that从句为真正主语,所以应使用It is required that句型。
  4.He hasn't slept at all for three days.______he is tired out.(2005湖北)
  A.There is no point
  B.There is no need
  C.It is no wonder
  D.It is no way
  析:答案是C。从语境可以推断空档表示“难怪”,应使用It is n0 wonder(that)句型,其中he is tired out做真正主语,It做形式主语。
  四、it 做主语用于其它句型
  it做主语还可用于it comes to(涉及到),it remains to be done whether(是否…… 有待于……),it is convenient to sb.(如果某人方便),it is(all)up to you(一切由你决定),It/All/That depends(要看情况而定)等句型,这些句型使用频率高,表达效果好。
  1.Most of us know we should cut downon fat,but knowing such things isn't muchhelp when it______shopping and eating.(2006天津)
  A.refers to B.speaks of
  C.focuses on D.comes to
  解析:答案是D。从语境可以推出,空档表示“涉及到”,因此应用it comes to 句型。
  2.It remains______ whether Jim'll befit enough to play in the finals.(2006浙江)
  A.seen B.to be seen
  C.seeing D.to see
  解析:答案是B。it remains to be seen…意为“试目以待……”。
  3.If it is quite______to you,I will visityou next Tuesday.(2005天津)
  A.convenient B.fair
  C.easy D.comfortable
  解析:答案是A。从语境可知,该空表示“方便的”,应使用it is convenient to sb.句型。
  4.—Shall we go to the art exhibition right away?
  A.It's your opinion
  B.I don't mind
  C.It's all up to you
  D.That's your decision
  解析:答案是C。分析语境可知空档表示“一切由你决定”,因此应用It's all up toyou句型。
  5.—How often do you eat out?
  —______.but usually once a week.(2004天津)
  A.Have no idea
  B.It depends
  C.As usual
  D.Generally speaking
  解析:答案是B。分析语境可知空档表示“要看情况而定”,因此应用It depends.句型。
  6.—How long are you staying?
  —I don't know.______.(2004江苏)
  A.That's OK B.Never mind
  C.It depends D.It doesn't matter
  解析:答案是C。It depends是习惯用法意为“那要看情况而定”从I don't know可以看出作者没有把握。
  五、it 作形式宾语代后面的从句。
  多与动词like,hate,appreciate,see to等连用,做形式宾语或者是完全属习惯用法,不代表什么成分。
  1.I like______in the autumn when theweather is clear and bright.(2004全国)
  A.this B.that C.it D.one
  2.I'appreciate______if you wouldlike to teach me how to use the computer.(2006山东)
  A.that B.it C.this D.you
  That's it.对了。
  I can't help it.=It can't be helped.我无能为力。
  Get with it!振作精神!
  Keep at it!坚持下去!
  Go it while you are young.趁你还年轻就努力干吧。
  Make it.规定时间/做到/成功。
  Foot it.步行去。
  As it is/was.事实上。
  Fight it out.决一雌雄。
  Keep at it.别松劲。
  Catch it.冒险/碰运气。
  He thinks he is it.他自以为了不起。
  Get it.①理解/明白。 ②作对了。③受到惩罚。
  1.—I'm terribly sorry I broke your glass.
  A.That's right B.Bad luck
  C.Sorry D.You can forget it
  【分析】答案是D。You can forget it是习惯用法意为“没关系”或“不要想这事了”
  3.If I can help______,I don't likeworking late into the night.(2006全国Ⅰ)
  A.one B.that C.it D.this
  【分析】答案是c。it是习惯用法如:Ican't help it.=It can't be helped.我无能为力。
Ⅰ.单词拼写    根据句意和汉语或首写字母提示,写出句中所缺单词的完全形式。  1.The man_____(钦佩)Napolcon so muchthat he wanted to join his army.  2.Don't be so_____(吝啬).Be generouswhen you try to helD your friend.  3.He is so d____(不诚实)t
一、词语例解    1.settle  v.1)place or plant firmly and securely安置;安放  He settled himself in the armchair. 他安坐在扶手椅上。  2)to make a place your home定居;移居  The family finally settled in South Amer-ica.这家人最后在南美定
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1. 课文原句: Where there is a river, there is a city.  考点: where引导易混的“三种从句”。  解读: 1) where引导定语从句,其前有表示地点的先行词,意为“……的地方”。在从句中用作状语,其中where可用in / on / at which替换。例如:  This is the house where (in which) he onc