打科技仗 走奋进路——南桐矿务局科技进步10年

来源 :煤炭经济研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huxiaoshenshan2010
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南桐矿务局有5矿7井,核定能力225万吨。了解南桐的人都知道,这是个难以开采的穷局,水、火、瓦斯灾害俱全;“三下”压煤占总储量的60%以上,各种不同程度的水患时时威胁着矿井的安全生产。过去建矿简易投产带来的先天不足和为维持矿井生计造成的后天失调,更加剧了矿山求生存、谋发展的难度。原煤产量在“四五”~“五五”期间,一直徘徊在150万吨上下,解放后的24年亏损总额达1.7亿元以上。为摆脱困境,我局从1975年起立足企业内部改造挖潜,经8年调整,基本解决了矿井严重失调,生产环节、安全设施有了初步改善,生产水平有了较大提高,1979年原煤产量突破200万吨。80年代,在改革的大潮中,南桐局终于振兴并走上了发展之路: ——生产持续稳定增长。连续6年突破核定生产能力,1988、1989年全局原煤产量均跨260万吨,这是严重瓦斯突出煤层矿井为安全达产奋斗几十年取得的成果。——安全生产状况显著改善。与改革前10年比,百万吨死亡率下降19.8%。1987年创百万吨死亡率下降到2.75的历史纪录。瓦斯严重突出的南桐煤矿,第一次实现建矿半个世纪以来连续两个无死亡年。 Nantong Mining Bureau has 5 mines and 7 wells, approved capacity of 2.25 million tons. People who understand Nantong know that this is a difficult situation to exploit. Water, fire and gas disasters are all over the country. “Three times under” coal reserves account for more than 60% of the total reserves. Various levels of flooding threaten the safety of mines at all times produce. The inherent deficiencies brought by the simple commissioning of the mine construction and the acquired day-to-day maladjustment caused by maintaining the mine livelihood have exacerbated the difficulty of the mine in its survival and development. Raw coal output in the “four five” ~ “five five” period, has been hovering at 1.5 million tons, after the liberation of 24 years total loss of 170 million yuan. To get rid of the dilemma, our bureau from 1975 on the basis of enterprise transformation and tapping the potential, after 8 years of adjustment, the basic solution to a serious mine disorders, production processes, safety facilities have been initially improved, the production level has been greatly improved, 1979 coal output Break 2000000 tons. In the 1980s, during the tide of reform, the Nantong Bureau finally rejuvenated and embarked on a road of development: - Production continued its steady growth. For six consecutive years, it has exceeded the approved production capacity. In 1988 and 1989, the overall output of raw coal surpassed 2.6 million tons. This is the result of decades of striving for safety and safety in the serious gas outburst coal mines. - Production safety has improved significantly. Compared with the 10 years before the reform, the mortality rate per million tons decreased by 19.8%. In 1987 a million tons of death rate fell to 2.75 record. Nantong coal mine with serious gas serious hitherto had two consecutive deathless years since the first half a century of construction.
中国雕塑十分古老,对于中国古代雕塑研究来讲,却是新的领域,它的研究历程也不过百年。20世纪初的一些外国学者,如日本的大村西崖、常盘大定、关野贞,法国的伯希和(Paul Pelli