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近年来,信息技术在邮政生产经营领域得到了普遍应用,优化了网络作业流程的同时,为网络作业成本内部结算工作提供了便利。为此,邮政集团公司从2005年起利用网运信息化条件对省际干线邮路运费实行了分省结算,各省份对邮路运费、邮件分拣封发处理费、投递费不同程度地实行了清分结算,支撑了企业经营与管理活动。 In recent years, information technology has been widely used in the field of postal production and operation, which has optimized the network operation process and facilitated the internal settlement of network operation cost. To this end, the Postal Group from 2005 on the use of network information technology conditions of the provincial trunk line shipping costs were implemented by the provincial settlement, the provinces on the postal freight, mail sorting seal processing fees, delivery fees apply to varying degrees Clear sub-settlement, support for business management and management activities.
紫杉醇和吉西他滨 (gemcitabine)是治疗人膀胱癌的效果肯定的新药。本研究旨在确定p5 3功能存在或缺失如何影响这些药物对人膀胱癌的细胞毒效应。作者用温度敏感的 p5 3(tsp5 3)突变体转染J82
On the basis of 723 heat flow measurements in the mainland of China and over 2000 data from the global heat flow data set, the authors compiled the heat flow m
用 L a2 O3对γ- A2 O3进行改性 ,并以之为载体用浸渍法制备钯系列催化剂 ,在加压装置上以合成甲醇为探针反应评价了催化剂活性 ,利用 BET、XRD、吡啶吸附及程序升温脱附等手
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Mesozoic magmatism formed the volcanic - intrusive complex series with closely genetic relationships in eastern Guangdong province of China. Some of the complex
目的 研究肝细胞癌细胞凋亡和浸润转移潜能的关系。方法 肝细胞癌 5 7例 ,用流式细胞仪检测细胞凋亡率 (AR)和细胞增殖活性 [用S期细胞比率 (SPF)和增殖指数 (PI)表示 ] ,