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我从事英语教学已有十几个年头,在教学实践中,我发现在许多同学中都存在着这样一种现象,即上初一时英语学习兴趣颇浓,上初二时感觉英语难学,开始厌学,到初三时就跟不上了。究其原因,我认为其中主要一条是他们的英语学习兴趣下降了,方法也不正确。那么如何培养学生学习兴趣,掌握较好的学习方法呢?我结合自己的教学谈点感受。一、培养兴趣学习本是一项繁重的脑力劳动,学习外语尤为艰苦。刚上初中的学生,初学英语,感到新鲜,容易产生浓厚的学习兴趣,在班上形成氛围,所以作为英语老师,要及时因势利导,注重保持和提高这种兴趣。随着学习的深 I have been engaged in English teaching for more than ten years. In teaching practice, I found that there are many students in my class who have a strong interest in English learning since the beginning of second grade, feel difficult to learn English in the first two days, and started Weariness, can not keep up by the third day. The reason, I think one of the main one is their interest in learning English decreased, the method is not correct. So how to cultivate students’ interest in learning, to master a better way to learn it? I talk with my own feelings about the teaching. First, to develop interest in learning This is a heavy mental work, learning a foreign language is particularly difficult. Students just beginning junior high school, freshmen, fresh, easy to produce a strong interest in learning, the formation of atmosphere in the class, so as an English teacher, promptly make the best use of circumstances, focus on maintaining and improving this interest. With the deep learning
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