
来源 :中国刑事警察 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:s334794681
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1997年,可以说是中国法制史上质变的一个里程碑。规范公民的法律权利,保护人民财产,打击犯罪行为的实体法——《刑法》、程序法——《刑诉法》,都以新面目与国民见面,使我国的法制历史向民主化、科学化迈进了一大步。特别是目前已经实施的《刑事诉讼法》修正案,对公、检、法机关进行刑事诉讼的各个环节,都作了一系列的重大修改、补充,它新增条文61条,改动、补充条款110多处,整部法典容量较以前增加二分之一,总量由原来的164条增加到225条。这样庞大的改动,究竟修正了什么呢?纵观整个修正案,一条保护公民权益的脉络贯穿始终,清晰可见。它从揭露犯罪,保护无辜,维护人权的角度出发,对法庭审理方式作了重大改革,彻底摈弃纠问式审理方法,全面实施控辩审理,强调控辩双方的相互质证,对侦查羁押作了严格规定,赋予律师更大的提供法律援助的权益。以这些措施,来实现诉讼的民主和公正。刑事技术所开展的痕迹、法医、指纹管理、毒化、照录相、警犬管理、文检等各项专业工作,都是为完成《刑诉法》中有关犯罪案件涉及的有关人或物的勘验、检查、鉴定任务,获取诉讼 In 1997, we can say that it is a milestone in the qualitative changes in the history of Chinese legal history. The substantive law regulating citizens’ legal rights, protecting people’s property and cracking down on criminal acts - “Criminal Law” and “Procedural Law” - “Criminal Procedure Law” all meet with the people in a new face and democratization of the history of the legal system in our country. Science A big step forward. In particular, the amendments to the Criminal Procedure Law, which have been implemented so far, have made a series of major changes and additions to various links of criminal prosecutions conducted by public security organs, prosecutors and law enforcement agencies. It has added 61 new clauses, amendments and supplements In more than 110 locations, the entire volume of codex has increased by one-half from the previous figure and the total number has increased from 164 to 225. What has been the amendment to such a huge change? Looking at the entire amendment, a thread of protecting the rights and interests of citizens runs through the whole picture and is clearly visible. From the perspective of exposing crime, protecting innocent people and safeguarding human rights, it has made major reforms to the courtroom handling methods, completely eliminating the questioning and trial methods, fully implementing the trial of defense and prosecution, emphasizing the mutual evidences of both prosecutors and defense parties, Strict rules, giving lawyers a greater provision of legal aid rights. With these measures, we can achieve the democracy and fairness of litigation. Forensic, fingerprinting, poisoning, photojournalism, police dog management, and literary inspection are all professional work carried out by criminal technology, all of which are for the purpose of completing the investigation of persons or things involved in criminal cases in the Criminal Procedure Law Inspection, inspection, identification tasks, access to litigation
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