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产品质量是企业的生命,也是一个国家的形象.国民经济的快速发展要求电子工业尽快发展成为国民经济支柱产业,更好地为国民经济和社会信息化服务.在当前经济快速发展和市场与国际接轨的过程中,我们面临的既是机遇,也是挑战.具体的机遇何在?我们应当清醒地看到,电子信息化的迅猛发展为电子工业和电子产品提供了极好的机遇和广阔的市场,电子工业部成立以后,部党组确定将建设“三金”工程和组建联通公司作为当前发展的重点,就是为了充分利用这一机遇,开辟能够带动全行业发展的新的市场领域,促进电子工业向更深和更高层次发展.但是,我们能否抓住这个机遇,在推进国民经济信息化进程中振兴民族电子工业?能否珍惜这一机遇,生产出高质量高水平的商品来满足用户需求?也是我们所面临的严峻挑战.如果我们拿不出好的产品、提供不了优质的系统工程和服务来满足广大用户和消费者日益增长的物质文化需求,就会在今后的国际竞争环境中失去优势,失掉市场.所以我们必须把提高质量摆到发展经济的首位,要比过去要求更高、更严,更好地坚持质量第一的方针.由于新的形势提出了新的要求,我们要面向两个市场,在产品质量和质量管理上要与国际标准接轨.现在国家正在起草“质量振兴计划”,要在经济发展上走出一条质量兴国的道路.电? Product quality is the life of a company and the image of a country. The rapid development of the national economy requires the electronic industry to develop into a pillar industry of the national economy as soon as possible, to better serve the national economy and social information. In the current rapid economic development and market and international In the process of integration, we face both opportunities and challenges. What are the specific opportunities? We should soberly realize that the rapid development of electronic informatization has provided excellent opportunities and a broad market for electronic industry and electronic products. After the establishment of the Ministry of Industry, the ministry decided to establish the “three gold” project and establish Unicom as the focus of the current development, in order to take full advantage of this opportunity, open up new market areas that can drive the development of the entire industry, and promote the electronic industry to deeper. And higher level development. However, can we seize this opportunity to revitalize the national electronics industry in the process of promoting the national economy informatization? Can we cherish this opportunity and produce high-quality and high-level commodities to meet users’ needs? The serious challenges we face. If we don’t have a good product, we cannot provide a quality system Process and service to meet the growing material and cultural needs of customers and consumers, will lose their advantages in the future international competition environment and lose the market. So we must put quality improvement in the first place in the development of the economy, more than in the past. Higher, stricter, and better adhere to the principle of quality first. As the new situation puts forward new requirements, we must face two markets, and we must link up with international standards in product quality and quality management. Now the country is drafting " The “Quality Revitalization Plan” must go beyond the path of rejuvenating the country through economic development.
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