
来源 :中学地理教学参考 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:boat_y
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今年地理试卷有不少综合性强的巧题,注意基础知识的运用和能力的考查,知识复盖面较广,难易的区分度大,没有偏、难、怪的题目,基本上没有超纲、超本,也注意结合形势。因此,有利于国家选材,有利于教师指导教学。但我们也认为试卷还存在着一些问题,为大纲规定的基本训练考得少;填空题不够标准化,有复杂化、简答化、小题大做现象;能源、粮食、环境、中国交通、中国三个经济地带等当前国内外重要问题没出或少出,是否有意回避;黄河中下游区也考得极少;中国少,外国多,亚马孙题占分过多,等等。尽管如此,我们还是认为它是一份质量很高的试卷。下面谈些个人参加阅卷后的一些粗浅的体会。 This year’s geography papers have many comprehensive problems. They pay attention to the application of basic knowledge and the examination of their abilities. They cover a wide range of knowledge and are difficult to distinguish. There are no partial, difficult, or strange topics. Outline, ultrabook, but also pay attention to the situation. Therefore, it is beneficial to the selection of the country and is conducive to teacher-led teaching. However, we also think that there are still some problems in the examination papers, and there are few basic training rules for the outlines; the blank-filling questions are not standardized enough, and they are complicated, short-answered, and overkill; energy, food, environment, China transportation, and China’s three economies Such important issues as the current domestic and foreign issues such as the zone have not appeared or disappeared, and whether they intend to avoid it; the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River have also been extremely low; China has few foreign countries, and the Amazon has too many questions, and so on. Nevertheless, we still think it is a very high-quality paper. Let’s talk about some superficial experiences after individuals participated in the reading.
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