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采访缘起 实施西部大开发战略.是党中央、国务院面向21世纪作出的重大决策。一时间,人们盘点西部,研讨西部,中华民族的发展态势,穿越历史的从林,又回到其文明发展的原点。 1999年6月,江邓囱局书记亲临黄河,从西向东顺流而下,对黄河全流域进行了考察,领咯.黄河发之于世界屋脊、归之于波澜壮阔、一波九折的壮观.痛惜着它啜土饮沙、污染断流的危患,感悟着它的神奇、造化,一直来到黄河入海口——山东东营。来到东营,总书记高兴了。因为在这里,他,到的是广漠的土地、一望无际的草原和刚刚崛起的崭新的城市。总书记感慨在说:在这不毛之地,能把城市建得这样,东营这个压轴子戏好哇!他随即指出:黄河三角洲石油资源丰富,土地和海洋资源充足,生物资源多样,蕴藏着巨大的开发潜力,一走要好好开发。要把经济建设、生态建设和社会发展结合起来,实现可持续发展。要把黄河三角洲建设成为环境优美、经济繁荣的新经济区。他还欣然为东营市题词:艰苦奋斗、开拓创新,加快黄河三角洲的趁设和发展。我国着名经济学家、北京大学教授厉以宁先生在《区撰发展新思路》一书中写道:近年来,不少经济学家把中围经济发展问题概括为‘东西协调,南北兼顾“问题。80代珠江三角洲的改革开放推动了华南地区经济的快速增长,成为中国经济起飞的”第一引擎“90年代长江三角洲的全面崛起带动了长江流域经济的振兴,成为中国经济起飞的”第二引擎“。实践证明,这两个地区的先行发展带动了中国经济的进一步发展和繁荣,对东西协调的发展战略发挥了积极的作用。下世纪初,环渤海经济协作区持续、稳定的发展,也将为振兴中国北方经济和实施南北兼顾的发展战略发挥重要作用,并可能成为中国经济起飞的”第三引攀“。位于黄河三角洲的东营,怡巧就处在环渤海经济带的中心位置,它像一个项坠镶嵌在环渤海5000多公里的弧形海岸线上;又像一颗明珠喷吐欲出在黄河这条巨龙的入海口。作为共和国最后一块尚未开发的大河口处女地,它与黄河上中游地区构成了一个完整的生态系统。因此,无论从西部大开发的全局,中国沿海经济的格局,以及中国21世纪区域经济发展的空间走向来看,东营都占有得天独厚的区位优势。这也是越来越多的政治家、经济学家和有远见卓识的企业家关注东营的缘由。2000年10月末我来到了黄河三角洲,对东营市长石军进行了采访。 It is the major policy decision made by the Party Central Committee and the State Council in the 21st century that the strategy of developing the western region should be adopted in the interview. For a time, people took an inventory of the western region to study the development trend of the western region and the Chinese nation, crossed the historical forest and returned to the origin of its civilization. In June 1999, Secretary Jiang Dengqian went to the Yellow River and went down the river from west to east, examining the whole Yellow River basin and leading the Yellow River, which is at the roof of the world and attributed to the spectacular and decadent spectacular Deploring the fact that it sip soil and drink water and endangering the flow of pollution, it has realized its magicalness and good fortune and has come to the Yellow River estuary - Dongying, Shandong Province. Came to Dongying, General Secretary happy. Because here, he, to the vast land, endless grassland and the newly emerging new city. General Secretary said with emotion: In this barren land, can build the city like this, Dongying this finale good wow he immediately pointed out: the Yellow River Delta is rich in oil resources, adequate land and sea resources, biological diversity, contains a huge Development potential, a go to develop well. We should combine economic construction, ecological construction and social development so as to achieve sustainable development. The Yellow River Delta should be built into a new economic zone with beautiful environment and prosperous economy. He also happily wrote an inscription for Dongying City: hard work, blaze new trails and accelerate the development of the Yellow River Delta. Li Yining, a famous economist and professor at Peking University, wrote in his book ”New Ways to Develop New Ideas in the Area:“ In recent years, many economists have summarized the problems surrounding the economic development of the two sides into ”coordinated development between the east and the west and both the north and the south“ Issue.80 The reform and opening up of the Pearl River Delta accelerated the rapid economic growth in southern China and became the ”first engine“ for China’s economic take-off. The all-round rise of the Yangtze River Delta in the 1990s led to the revitalization of the Yangtze River basin economy and the economic take-off of China ”Second engine “ Practice has proved that the two regions in the lead development led the further development of China’s economy and prosperity, coordinated development strategy has played a positive role in the early next century, the Bohai Economic Cooperation Zone continued The steady development will also play an important role in rejuvenating the economy of North China and implementing a development strategy that takes both North and South into consideration and may become the third lead of China’s economic takeoff. ”Located in Dongying in the Yellow River Delta, Central to the Bohai Economic Belt, it resembles a pendant on the arcuate coastline of more than 5,000 kilometers in the Bohai Sea; it is like a pearl spitting out of the Yellow River As the last untapped Dahekou virgin land in the Republic, it constitutes a complete ecosystem with the upper and middle reaches of the Yellow River. Therefore, no matter from the overall situation of western development, the pattern of China’s coastal economy, In the view of the spatial development of regional economic development in the 21st century, Dongying has a unique geographical advantage, which is why more and more politicians, economists and visionary entrepreneurs are concerned about Dongying. Yellow River Delta, conducted an interview with Shi Jun, mayor of Dongying.
由中国人民外交学会主办、新华社国际问题研究中心等单位协办的“21世纪的中国与世界”国际论坛,9月12日圆满落下帷幕。 这是一次极其成功的国际盛会。与会的50多名来自世界
深圳市提出将用5年时间率先基本实现现代化,现代化离我们真的只有“咫尺之遥”了吗? 工业时代对于现代化的理解,以英克尔斯标准为代表。因此,必须要澄清以下 Shenzhen City
财会专业的教学和发展要根据时代的变化,顺应时代的发展,及时作出一些改变。本文就财会专业的教学现状进行分析,并针对问题提出了相应的解决办法。 The teaching and develo
编辑同志: 就《石油工程建设》1988年第3期周伦元同志的“油罐温度计使用方法的小改进”一文谈一点看法。文中谈道,要得到准确的油温测量数据,只需将温度计直立固定在一个小