晓燕翱翔 一飞冲天——记姜晓燕和她的冰淇淋西瓜

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坐在我面前的姜晓燕虽然穿着很朴素,脸也晒得黝黑,但依旧掩藏不住她天生的美丽与睿智。谈起冰淇淋西瓜和她曾经参与的科研项目晓燕可谓滔滔不绝,仿佛终于找到了知音,让她久藏心中的话都像泉水一样哗哗地流淌了出来。北大走出的骄子1996年出生在北京顺义农村的晓燕,从小就想做中国的居里夫人。于是极聪明的晓燕学得最好的学科是生物和物理,高考终于被北大的生物系录取。到了北京科委生化冤疫制剂中心做肝炎检测工作。晓燕觉得以自己的学识搞大众化的开发,给百姓尽快带来实惠,才是她最该做的事。2000年,晓燕应邀参加某省一次交流活动,活动期间晓燕对该省一家种苗公司的水蜜桃西瓜品种大感兴趣,她想这么好的西瓜如果改良后推广到家乡顺义,岂不是可以为家乡做一点贡献。顺义是北京的农业大区,一马平川,土地肥沃,一直以来就以产西 Jiang Xiaoyan sitting in front of me although very simple to wear, face tan is also dark, but still hide her innate beauty and wisdom. Speaking of ice cream and watermelon she has participated in the research project Xiaoyan can be described as endless, as if finally found a companion, so that her heart hidden for a long time like a spring water rushing flow out. Peking University out of pride 1996 was born in Shunyi, Beijing Xiaoyan rural areas, from an early age want to be China’s Marie Curie. So very clever Xiao Yan learned the best subject is biology and physics, college entrance examination was finally accepted by the Department of Biology. To Beijing Committee of Biochemistry and Viruses Center to do hepatitis testing. Xiaoyan feel that their own learning to engage in popular development, as soon as possible to bring benefits to the people, is her most to do. In 2000, Xiaoyan was invited to participate in an exchange activity in a province. During the activity, Xiaoyan was greatly interested in the peach and watermelon varieties of a seedling company in the province. She thought it would be good if such a good watermelon could be extended to her hometown Shunyi Do something for your hometown. Shunyi is a large agricultural area in Beijing. It has a fertile land and has always been producing western regions