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解答高考现代文阅读题,部分考生感到困难,丢分严重。其原因之一:“只见树木,不见森林”,忽视了对文章的整体阅读和理解,而急于求成,在没有认真读懂文章之前,便急于对试题作出判断选择,信马由缰地写出答案。 何谓整体阅读?那就是:拿到一篇文章以后,应先把主要精力放在揣摩作者意图,着重抓住文章的主要精神,内容要点,思路脉络,结构布局及表现方法这些全局性问题上。这些问题抓准了,理解了,就为正确迅速地解决局部性的问题创造了良好的前提条件。下面以1994年全国高考语文试题(“新科目卷”)现代文阅读题第二部分为例,适作说明。试题选文是从著名学者钱钟书的文艺评论《中国诗和中国画》中节选出来的800字左右的两段文字。文章有一定的难度,学术性较强,但并不晦涩难懂。它主要阐述了二个问题:“我们要了解和评判一个作者,应该知道他那时代对于他那一类作品的意见,这些意见就是后世文艺批评史的材料,而在当时表示一种文艺风气。”这就是选文的中心论点,简而言之就是:要了解和评判一个艺术家的创作,必须了解他所处的时代的文艺风气。围绕这一中心,作者从两个方面去论述文艺风气对作家的创作和作品的支配作用。第一段主要论述我们应怎样才能正确了解一个时代的文艺风气对艺术家的创作和作品的支配和影响? Answering questions in the modern reading of college entrance examinations, some candidates feel difficult and lose points seriously. One of the reasons: “I saw trees, but I didn’t see the forest.” Ignored the overall reading and understanding of the articles. I was eager to achieve them. I didn’t read the articles carefully, but I rushed to make judgments on the questions. . What is the overall reading? That is: After you get an article, you should first focus on trying to figure out the author’s intentions, and focus on the overall issues of the article’s main spirit, content, ideas, structure, and presentation methods. These problems have been grasped, understood, and created good preconditions for correct and prompt resolution of local problems. The following is an example of the second part of the modern text reading problem in the 1994 National College Entrance Examination Questions (“New Curriculum Volume”). The selection of the test questions is a two-character text of about 800 words selected from the famous scholar Qian Zhongshu’s literary criticism “Chinese Poetry and Chinese Painting”. The article has a certain degree of difficulty and is academically strong, but it is not obscure. It mainly elaborated on two issues: "We need to understand and judge an author. We should know the opinions of his era on his type of works. These opinions are the material of the later history of literary criticism, and they expressed a literary atmosphere at that time. This is the central argument of the article. In short, to understand and judge an artist’s creation, one must understand the literary atmosphere of his time. Around this center, the author discusses the role of the ethos of literature and art on the author’s creation and his works. The first paragraph mainly discusses how we can correctly understand the literary atmosphere of an era and its influence on the artist’s creation and works.
Xiaomi set to revolutionize the Chinese smartphone market By Nicholas ComptonMOMENTS after Lei Jun finished his keynote address at the Global Mobile Internet Co
一、选择题 1.不共面三条直线两两共面,则这三条直线一定( ). (A)互相平行; (B)两两相交; (C)互相平行或相交于一点; (D)位置关系不确定. 2.顺次连结边长相等的空间四
一、选择题 1.一定量碳(由~(12)C和~(13)C组成)在足量氧气中燃烧,所得气体对氢气的相对密度为22.49,则~(12)C和~(13)C质量比约是( )。 First, multiple-choice questions
一、(30分)1.下列词语中加点的字读音全都正确的一组是(2分)A、恸(aong)哭 溃(huì)脓 捧场(chang) 孑(jie)然一身B、悲怆(chang) 血泊(po) 腌(a)臢 心广体胖(pang)C、鞭挞(d