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从“豆腐块”看指导性写这篇相当枯燥的文字,是想从一个侧面,说说过去在解放区办报的路数;历史的经验对当前的新闻改革可能会有参考价值。1948年第3季度,华北大部分地区相继解放,逐渐恢复和平生活。人口多了,事情多了,战争之外的新问题大大增加了,希望党报给以解答——指导。指导有多种形式:党和政府的公告、法令,十分重要,但不常有;评论,读者认为是党报代表党和政府发言的,也很重视,但数量有限;用得最多的是各种形式(新闻、通讯、文章)的经验介绍,读者很欢迎,但 From the “tofu block” to see the guidance to write this rather boring writing is to think from a side, talk about the past in the liberated areas of the newspaper; the historical experience of the current news reform may be of reference value. In the third quarter of 1948, most parts of North China were gradually liberated and gradually restored to a peaceful life. With more population and more things, the new problems beyond the war have greatly increased. We hope that the party newspaper will give answers and guidance. There are many forms of guidance: the announcements and decrees of the party and the government are very important but not always commonplace; comments, which the readers regard as the representative of the party newspaper and the government, are also valued by the party newspaper but are limited in number; the most commonly used ones are the various The introduction of the form (news, communication, articles) experience, readers are welcome, however