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摩擦学研究五花八门,但不难发现明显的侧重点,汽车显然是一个热门话题。日本汽车工业对摩擦学的重视出于这样的考虑:持续增长的汽车数量和CO_2总排量迫使设计师们必须竭力降低油耗。由于越是高速,油耗越是受制于摩擦,典型情况下,活塞所做的功40%消耗于发动机和传动甲的摩擦,因此在努力增加热效率的同时,要重视减少摩擦功耗。发动机缸套活塞组件的摩擦学问题已不是唯一的热点,因为机械损失在传动系统中也占相当份量。尤其是普遍采用自动传动系统之后,由于低速时不可避免地溜滑,油耗要增加10%,另外气阀系统的摩擦学问题也受到了相当的重视。为了弄清活塞环套和裙套之间的油膜情况,除进行精确的数值计算之外,采用激光荧光法测量油膜厚度分布的研究在丰田汽车公司等大型汽车企业和许多大学中进行。利用沉积式微传感器测量发动机轴瓦和凸轮顶尖上油膜压力变化,可以说是一项高技术。 Tribological studies vary, but not difficult to find a clear focus, the car is clearly a hot topic. The Japanese automotive industry’s emphasis on tribology is based on the consideration that the ever-increasing number of vehicles and the total CO2 emission forces designers to make every effort to reduce fuel consumption. Since the higher the speed, the more fuel consumption is subject to friction. Typically 40% of the work done by the piston is consumed by the friction between the engine and actuator A. Therefore, efforts should be made to increase the thermal efficiency while reducing the frictional power consumption. The tribological problems of engine cylinder liner piston assemblies are not the only hot spots, as mechanical losses also take up considerable weight in the driveline. In particular, the widespread use of automatic transmission system, due to inevitable slippery at low speed, fuel consumption to increase 10%, while other valve system tribological issues have received considerable attention. In addition to accurate numerical calculations, the study of measuring the film thickness distribution by laser fluorescence spectroscopy has been conducted in large auto companies such as Toyota Motor Corporation and many universities in order to clarify the condition of the oil film between the piston ring and the skirt. Using depositional micro-sensors to measure changes in oil film pressure at the engine’s bush and cam tip can be a high technology.
胜利油田钻井职 工培训中心10年来 始终坚持“面向企业、 服务生产、全面提高 职工队伍素质” 的办 学宗旨,适应油田改 革、发展对职工素质 的要求;紧密结合油 田和钻井生产实际,
入世五年,中国百姓的生活发生了巨大的变化,特别是在汽车、电信、保险、金融、商业等领域更为显著。 Five years after China’s accession to the WTO, great changes have
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