塑造昆明新形象 迎接'99世博会

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近两年来,昆明以迎接’99世博会为契机,结合创建“中国优秀旅游城市”、“全国园林城市”和“国家卫生城市”的要求,抓住“水、路、树、房”四个重点,加大了城市墓础设施建设力度,成为昆明历史上发展最快时期。 In the past two years, Kunming has been welcoming the ’99 Expo as an opportunity to combine the requirements of creating “China Excellent Tourism City”, “National Garden City” and “National Sanitary City” to seize “water, road, ”Trees, houses,“ ”four key points, increased the intensity of urban tomb infrastructure construction and became the fastest growing period in the history of Kunming.
随着实行世界贸易组织和成衣协议进入第二阶段,欧盟从1998年外始取消18类进口纺织品的配额。但由于中国目前尚未成为世贸组织 With the implementation of the World Trade
On November 14th the scheme of the Miniature Trees ane Rockery Garden,put forth jointly by the Shanghai Garden Administration Bureau and Shanghai Botanical Gar
Nothing is so excited than wondering at floral sea of the Expo’99, where you are fascinated with the unique horticultural decoration, architecture, multi- No
The Man and Nature Hall is one of five large exhibition halls at the site of EXPO’99 and it’s the theme hall of “Man and Nature-Marching Into the 21st Centu
以保护国家自然生态环境,发展园林园艺事业为指导方针,紧扣“人与自然——迈向21世纪”主题的江苏省活动周9月4日开幕。’99昆明世博会是世界各国园林园艺的集中展示 In or