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  假设你将参加某英语杂志社开展的一次征文活动,征文的内容要求你在电视、手机(cell)和网络三者中,放弃其中一个并陈述理由。请你以“Which Would You Give Up: TV, Cell, or Web”为题,写一篇英语短文。
  注意:(1) 词数100左右;(2) 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
  一、 三种科技产品的优点
  (1) 电视
  ●足不出户便能了解外界信息:With TV, we can sit comfortably at home and keep ourselves informed of what is happening abroad.
  With the help of TV, we seem to have access to every corner of this world without stepping out of the door.
  ●具有娱乐性:With a TV set, we can watch various programs for entertainment, such as movies, TV series and live performances. For those who are fond of sports, watching games on TV is a cheap and comfortable way to satisfy their interest.
  ●画面表现生动形象:Its vivid pictures bring the outside world just before our eyes. Together with the comments, the vivid pictures will surely help us better understand what we’re listening to.
  (2) 手机
  ●携带方便:Its small size and light weight allow us to carry it wherever we go.
  ●可以随时联系他人:Cells make it possible for us to keep in touch with our friends and family at any time.
  ●功能众多(闹钟、计算器、听歌等):It can be used as an alarm clock which will wake us up in the morning. For us students, it can also serve as a calculator. We can even use it to relax ourselves by enjoying the music or playing games stored in it.
  (3) 网络
  ●信息量大:The Internet contains more information than any other medium. Its abundant(丰富的) content enables us to have access to almost whatever information we need.
  ●帮助学习:With education projects of different levels on the Web, we can study or further our education at home. When meeting with certain difficulties, we can simply leave a message on the Web and get responses very soon.
  ●具有娱乐性:Countless(无数的) entertainment programs are available on the Internet. You can choose whatever you are interested in and watch them as long as you like.
  二、 三种科技产品的弊端
  (1) 电视
  ●沉迷电视导致荒废学习:If you get addicted to watching TV, you surely won’t put your heart into your study.
  ●看无意义的广告浪费时间:At many times we are watching advertisements rather than meaningful programs, which is really a waste of time.
  ●电视上的信息无法取代阅读所得:People may rely on TV to get information rather than newspapers and magazines. But no matter how fanciful TV programs are, watching TV cannot take the place of reading.
  (2) 手机
  ●话费昂贵:It’s not necessary to say that the cellphone itself costs but the phone bills we have to pay monthly.
  ●影响工作学习的效率:With its multi-function, people may spend too much time sending messages or playing games, which will certainly affect their work or study.
  ●辐射影响健康:It’s believed that microwaves produced by the cellphone may do harm to people’s health.
  (3) 网络
  ●浪费时间:One might spend too much time on the Internet to concentrate on his study.
  ●信息真假难辨:With the abundant information on the same topic, it’s hard for us to distinguish the true from the false.
  ●不良信息影响青少年健康成长:We can’t deny that some information on the Internet is quite harmful, especially to children’s healthy growth.
  (1) 对电视:With all these disadvantages, we must acknowledge the great role television plays in our modern life. If we can limit the time spent on TV, I’m sure that we can benefit from its advantages and overcome those disadvantages.
  (2) 对手机:Personally, I think the advantages of the cellphone outweigh its disadvantages. It brings much convenience to our life after all.
  (3) 对网络:Even though using the Internet has some negative effects, I still consider it beneficial to both our life and study. I believe we can make the best use of the Internet as long as we know how to control ourselves and use it wisely.
  有了以上内容积累,还怕写不好“Which Would You Give Up: TV, Cell, or Web”这样的作文吗?写作时只要根据自己的实际情况,选择放弃的一项,然后简要阐述“放弃”与“不放弃”的理由就可以了。
  【One Possible Version】
  Which Would You Give Up: TV, Cell, or Web?
  With the rapid economic development, almost everybody can afford a TV set, a cellphone and have access to the Web. In fact, they’re playing very important roles in our life.
  However, if I had to give up one of them, I would turn off the TV rather than switch off my cell or cut off the Internet. I could do without TV because at many times we’re watching advertisements instead of meaningful programs, which is really a waste of time. Besides, most programs on TV are also available on the Internet.
  As for the cellphone, it enables me to keep in touch with my friends and family at any time. Meanwhile, the Web has become the most efficient means for me to get information. Both of them are essential for me.
  KEY to Reading E-books Makes Your Brain Lazy: It is the text presented in unusual typefaces that makes reading harder.
·“90后”大学初体验·  每个大学大概都会举办校园歌手大赛,不过,我们学校的歌手大赛有一个优越的“先天”条件——广播台可以用专业设备为选手灌制个人唱片,并把唱片作为纪念品赠送给获奖选手。“广播歌手大赛”开始了,校园里沸腾了!    作为广播台的新进人员,我全程参与了“南师广播歌手大赛”的组织活动。  我接到的第一个任务是负责报名和统计。一个晴朗的午后,我和其他几位广播台的新成员在宿舍楼下立起巨幅