
来源 :建筑装饰材料世界 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hanson117
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业主为商业界成功人士,深谙中国古代字画等艺术品,同时年纪轻轻,71年出生,业主喜欢热闹,双方父母两个孩子都住在一起。本案总体设计风格为中式,三层主卧及客厅借鉴了一些西式元素,尽量做得舒服些。因其原房格调杂乱,不够通透,在设计时拆除了大部分轻体墙,重新布局,力求大气,功能明确。 The owner is a successful business person, well versed in ancient Chinese calligraphy and painting and other works of art, at the same time young, born 71 years, the owners like lively, both parents and children live together. The overall design of the case for the Chinese, three master bedroom and living room draw on some of the Western elements, try to do more comfortable. Because of its original style messy, not transparent enough, most of the light wall was removed in the design, re-layout, and strive to the atmosphere, the function is clear.
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