
来源 :天然气地球科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:csuzqc
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通过大量的实验资料,首次系统地对勘探新区大巴山、米仓山南缘不同时代的烃源岩特征进行了综合研究。指出:下寒武统、下志留统、下二叠统是主要的烃源岩发育层系;与四川盆地类似,新区内Ⅰ级烃源岩有机碳含量较高,有机质类型好,主要为Ⅰ型—Ⅱ_1型干酪根,且横向分布稳定,现今均处于过成熟阶段,以生气为主。烃源岩的热演化史研究表明:古生代时期源岩热演化程度较低,源岩的油气生成相态明显受株罗系地层沉积厚度的控制;下寒武统烃源岩成油高峰期在三叠纪末—株罗纪初,气态烃的大量形成时间为早侏罗世末—晚侏罗世;下志留统烃源岩成油高峰期在早侏罗世—中侏罗世,气态烃大量形成的时间为中侏罗世末—白垩世;下二叠统烃源岩成油高峰期在中侏罗世—晚侏罗世,气态烃大量形成的时间为晚侏罗世—白垩纪。 Through a large amount of experimental data, the characteristics of source rocks of different ages in the Daba Mountain and the south of Micangshan in the exploration area are systematically studied systematically for the first time. It is pointed out that the Lower Cambrian, the Lower Silurian and the Lower Permian are the major source rock developmental strata. Similar to the Sichuan Basin, the Grade I source rocks in the new area have higher organic carbon content and good organic matter types, mainly Type Ⅰ-Ⅱ 1 kerogen, and the horizontal distribution of stability, are now in the mature stage, mainly angry. The thermal evolution history of source rocks shows that during the Paleozoic, the thermal evolution of the source rock was relatively low, and the hydrocarbon-producing phase of the source rock was obviously controlled by the sedimentary thickness of the Zhualao Formation. At the end of the sequence of the Late Pleistocene-Zhuluo Period, the massive formation time of gaseous hydrocarbons was from the end of Early Jurassic to the Late Jurassic. In the early Jurassic-Middle Jurassic, In the late Jurassic to the Cretaceous. During the peak oil-forming period of the Lower Permian hydrocarbon source rocks, during the Middle Jurassic-Late Jurassic, the time for the massive formation of gaseous hydrocarbons was Late Jurassic to Cretaceous.
1995年4月20日,上海大众汽车有限公司在她欢度10岁生日之际,终于推出了一款向世人交待的新车——桑塔纳2000轿车。 就象世界上一切新生事物一样,一旦降世,就会被人评议。对
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