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四川省普通高考命题有关工作的《通知》从2013年起,连续三年都提出突出人文素养的考查,这些表明四川高考地理突出对学生人文素养的考查。在这样一种背景下,笔者分析了2012—2014年四川高考地理试题,总结归纳了四川高考地理对人文素养考查的三大特点,即从基本知识层面考查人文素养的基本知识、从基本方法层面考查获取和解读信息能力的人文素养、从基本观念层面考查情感态度价值观方面的人文素养。根据四川高考地理对人文素养考查的三大特点,笔者认为,2015年四川高考将从基本知识层面、基本能力层面和基本观念层面进一步深化对学生人文素养的考查。 From 2013 onwards, the “Notice” of the work on the proposition of ordinary college entrance examination in Sichuan Province has put forward the examination of outstanding humanistic accomplishments for three years in a row, which shows that the geography of Sichuan college entrance examination highlights the examination of students' humanistic accomplishments. Under such a background, the author analyzes the geography questions of Sichuan college entrance examination from 2012 to 2014, and summarizes the three characteristics of the geography of Sichuan college entrance examination on the examination of the humanities qualifications, that is, examines the basic knowledge of humanistic accomplishments from the basic knowledge level, and from the basic method level Examining the humanistic attainment of acquiring and interpreting the information ability, examining the humanistic accomplishments of the values ​​of emotional attitudes from the basic concept level. According to the three characteristics of the geography of Sichuan college entrance examination for the study of humanistic qualifications, the author thinks that in 2015, the college entrance examination of Sichuan will further deepen the examination of the students' humanistic accomplishments from the aspects of basic knowledge, basic ability and basic concepts.
在国际教科文组织命名哈尔滨为“音乐之都”之际,中国哈尔滨之夏音乐会经历了50年的发展历程,第30届“哈尔滨之夏音乐会”又一次成功举办。哈尔滨师范大学 In the name of H
学生钢琴音乐表现力的培养要启发学生的情感表现,启发学生准确把握音乐风格的差异性,塑造出更加完美的音乐形象。 Piano music students to develop expressiveness to insp