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有位预言家断定:一个能够坚持不断练习射击的人,终有一天会击中目标的。福建省清流县科协主席罗炳文就是这样一个凭着自己的坚定信念,以无愧于党组织赋予他的职责,通过努力促成和参与推进“村会协作”实践探索进程,使农技推广运作方式实现了创新目标。1997年初,罗炳文调到县科协主席岗位上,他通过反复调查研究,了解到有的乡镇还在沿用的农技推广工作无偿使用技术的做法。有不少农民对付费请专家提供生产技术保障的态度比较冷漠,怎么办?罗炳文想到了自己在乡镇任职期间,抓新村规划建设任务落实时,曾让村组干部发挥带头作用,成功引导农民群众积极筹资投入集镇新村建设的做法,具有哲学上所说的方法论意义。他自觉地运用策划思想,搞农业科技推广运作方式改革试点的规划方案。但在征求各方面意见时,并未达成完全共识,甚至被有的人误解成有意增加农民负担。罗炳文面对指责,坚信按照市场规律推广农技没错。 A prophet asserts that a man who can persistently practice shooting will hit the target one day. Luo Bingwen, president of Qingliu County Association of Science and Technology of Fujian Province, is one who, with his firm conviction, deserves to be assigned the responsibility of the party organization. Through his efforts to promote and participate in the “village-village cooperation” practice and exploration process, Way to achieve the goal of innovation. In early 1997, Luo Bingwen transferred to the chairman of the county CAST, he repeatedly through the investigation and study, learned that some townships are still using agricultural extension technology to use the technology free of charge. How to do? Luo Bingwen thought of his work in the township during the grasping of the new village planning and construction tasks, the village cadres had to take the lead, and successfully guide the peasants and masses The practice of actively raising funds for the construction of new villages in the market town has the philosophical meaning of methodology. He conscientiously used planning ideas, engaged in agricultural science and technology promotion mode of operation reform pilot program. However, when seeking opinions from various quarters, they did not reach a complete consensus. Some even misunderstood them as intentionally increasing the peasants’ burden. Luo Bingwen face accused, convinced that in accordance with the laws of the market to promote agricultural technology is not wrong.