夹叙夹议 尖锐泼辣——简析《劝君且慢豪华》的写作特色

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周恩来同志曾于1963年5月29日在中共中央和国务院直属机关负责干部会议上作过《反对官僚主义》的报告。他一针见血地指出:“生活要求越来越高,房子越大越好,装饰越贵越好,供应越多越好;领导干部这样,必定引起周围的人铺张浪费,左右的人上下其手。”并且表示,这种特殊化的官僚主义,“那是会引起群众公愤的”。在二十多年后的今天,这种特殊化的官僚主义又有了发展和新的表现。一些领导干部明目张胆利用职权,以权谋私,贪图享受,讲排场,摆阔气,上行下效,直接损害了党政干部在群众中的形象。刊载于1985年7月25日湖北黄石日报的小言论《劝君且慢豪 On May 29, 1963, Comrade Zhou Enlai made a report of “Opposing Bureaucracy” at the CPC Central Committee and the cadres meeting under the direct authority of the State Council. He pointed out sharply: “living standards are getting higher and higher, the bigger the house, the better, the more expensive the decoration, the better the supply. The leading cadres will inevitably cause the people around them to waste extra money and control the people around them.” He also said This kind of specialization of bureaucracy, “That will cause public anger.” Today, more than two decades later, this specialization of bureaucracy has given rise to new developments. Some leading cadres have blatantly used their power and power to abuse their power for personal gain, seek for pleasure, put their emphasis on playing field for reasons of superiority and inferiority, and directly undermine the image of party and government cadres among the masses. It was published in the July 25, 1985 Hubei Huangshi Daily’s remarks, “Advise Jun and slow ho.”
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