来源 :Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:litang007
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On the basis of the characterization of typical catalysts by activityevaluation,TPR,XRD and TEM,the effects of nickel content and promoterssuch as MgO,La_2O_3,and MnO_2 were discussed.Formation of MgNiO_2 by thecombination of promoter MgO with NiO increases the catalyst stability.Promot-er La_2O_3 is found well-distributed on the catalyst surface in the form of La_2O_3without any interaction with uther components.With physically scattering ef-fect,La_2O_3 can prohibit active component Ni from sintreing at high temperatureand then improve its thermal stability.It also affects the catalyst activity andreducibility.Introduction of La_2O_3 decreases the content of small Ni crystallite,and is helpful to the prohibition of carbon deposition.A new Ni-based town gasmethanation catalyst of low Ni content with high activity and high carbon depo-sition resistance is successfully developed in the laboratory. On the basis of the characterization of typical catalysts by activity evaluation, TPR, XRD and TEM, the effects of nickel content and promoters as MgO, La 2 O 3, and MnO 2 were discussed. Formation of MgNiO 2 by thecombination of promoter MgO with NiO increases the catalyst stability. Promoter Er 2 O 3 is found to be well-distributed on the catalyst surface in the form of La_2O_3without any interaction with uther components. Wrap physically scattering ef-fect, La_2O_3 can prohibit active component Ni from sintreing at high temperatureand then improve its thermal stability. affects the catalyst activity and predisibility. Introduction of La 2 O 3 decreases the content of small Ni crystallite, and is helpful to the prohibition of carbon deposition. A new Ni-based town gasmethanation catalyst of low Ni content with high activity and high carbon depo-sition resistance is successfully developed in the laboratory.
在战场上,举白旗一般意味着投降。一旦战败的一方举出白旗,战胜的一方就不能使用武力进攻,而应当遵照战场规则接纳对方投降,无论战胜的一方多么想消灭对方,也不能再打下去了。这种战争习俗一直延续到今天。  白旗起初只是要求暂时停战的标志。远古时期,战斗的双方为了向对方表示谈判的诚意,通常借白色为象征,因此逐渐形成了一个习惯:白色旗帜表示要求休战谈判。在交战的一方拿出白旗时,对方就知晓来意,下令停止任何进攻
One kind of NaZSM-5 zeolite-supported rhodium catalyst has beensythesized.It overcomes the shortcoming of the homogeneous catalyst andmaintains high activity,s
【内容摘要】初中数学课堂教学模式多样,如何处理好教师教与学生学一直是当前课堂教学中需要面对的问题。在当前新课标理念诠释下,好的教学活动应是教师主导作用与学生主体地位之间的协调统一。课堂中应本着以学生为本的思想,将“学”思想应用于初中数学课堂,使学生喜欢学数学,喜欢数学的课堂,喜欢动手、动脑、思考、质疑,才能实现初中数学课堂的有效性教学。  【关键词】初中数学 课堂渗透 “学” 方式  渗透是一门学
大学毕业那年,我临时在家待业,爸妈忙着托人给我介绍女朋友,我不见,嫌他们瞎操心。我妈说:“咱村里和你一般大的男孩,哪个没娶媳妇?和我同龄的,哪个没抱上孙子?你这么大了连个媳妇都没有,我们能不操心吗?”  在媒人的安排下,我和女孩见了面。说实话,我第一眼就看中了她:身材高挑,皮肤白皙,举手投足落落大方,一张瓜子脸,笑起来特别好看。我们互相留了电话和QQ。网聊的时候女孩告诉我,她读的是专科,毕业两年了
Bond-order conservation-Morse potential (BOC-MP) approach hasbeen used to study the mechanism of methanol decomposition on the clean andoxygen-modified Fe(100)
油井注水的有效过滤,能使油井保持长期有效生产。注入的水不过滤,注水装置可能遭受固相磨蚀和井眼被堵塞,导致油井维修费用高和可能发生油井损坏。 自1940年以来,在注水过滤