关于正确理解和运用粮油贷款 封闭运行管理考核指标的问题

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为了监测、分析和考核粮油收购资金贷款封闭运行管理工作,总行下发的《中国农业发展银行粮棉油贷款与库存值挂钩、封闭运行管理办法》制定了粮油收购资金贷款封闭运行考核指标体系。指标体系的建立使封闭运行管理的监测、分析和考核进一步系统化、具体化和科学化。正确理解这一指标体系,并认真组织考核,对于指导封闭运行管理工作、促进封闭运行有着重要意义。一、粮油贷款封闭运行考核指标体系的特点现行的粮油贷款封闭运行考核指标体系与以往的考核指标相比具有以下几个特点:(一)科学性。粮油贷款封闭运行考核指标的科学性,首 In order to monitor, analyze and evaluate the closed operation and management of the funds loan for the acquisition of grain and oil, the “Administrative Measures for the Closure of Grain and Cotton Oil Loans to the Stock Value of China Agricultural Development Bank” issued by the Head Office formulated the evaluation index system for the closed operation of funds loans for grain and oil purchase. The establishment of the indicator system has enabled the monitoring, analysis and assessment of closed operation management to be further systematized, substantiated and scientifically oriented. Correct understanding of this indicator system, and carefully assess the assessment, for the guidance of closed operation and management, and promote the closed operation is of great significance. First, the characteristics of grain and oil loan closed to run the evaluation index system The current grain and oil loan closed to run the evaluation index system compared with the previous assessment indicators has the following characteristics: (a) scientific. Grain and oil loans closed to run the assessment of scientific indicators, the first
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