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2002年8月5日武汉市汉阳区地税分局举行专门会议,就区属行政机关、事业单位个人所得税由区财政局集中实施代扣代缴办法进行了部署。标志着对纳入区财政预算管理的96家行政事业单位和乡人民政府,全部实施由财政扣缴个人所得税办法。 近几年来,行政事业单位扣缴个所得税工作成效显著,但应该看到部分地方行政机关、事业单位个人工薪所得和其他所得申报或扣缴工作还存在申报不实等问题。其表现:一是纳税意识较薄弱,从财政外取得的隐性收入过多;二是执行政策不实、计 On August 5, 2002, Hanyang District Local Taxation Bureau of Wuhan held a special meeting to arrange the implementation of the withholding and payment method by the district finance bureau focusing on the personal income tax of the district administrative organs and institutions. It indicates that 96 administrative institutions and township people’s governments incorporated into the district budget management should all be subject to the withholding of personal income tax by the government. In recent years, the administrations withholding an income tax have achieved remarkable results. However, it should be noted that there are still some problems such as the declaration of personal wage income or the withholding of wages or other personal incomes in some local administrative organs and institutions. Its performance: First, the tax awareness is weak, too much hidden income from the financial outside; Second, the implementation of the policy is not real, total
每当想起那份税票——鄂税完0024551,他就感到害臊。 18年前的5月,他刚踏进税务大门,那时,对税收很陌生,更不知道税票的重要性,只觉得自己是一名税务干部,神气着哩! 一天,领
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AIM: To Study the interaction of macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF) and interleukin-10 (IL-10) in productions of IL-12 and IL-18 and expressions of CD