
来源 :党的建设 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wisled
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开展反腐败斗争,是当前党和国家政治生活中的一件大事。如何按照中央和省委的要求抓深入、抓落实,取得反腐败斗争的新成效,必须从思想认识上进一步明确并把握好儿个问题。一、必须肯定党风的主流是好的,但对目前腐败现象的严重性绝不可忽视我们党风的主流是好的,这一点必须充分肯定。因为,我们的各项事业有邓小平同志建设有中国特色社会主义理论作指导,以江泽民同志为核心的党中央的领导是坚强有力的,党的路线、方针、政策是正确的,大多数党员和干部是廉洁奉公的,这些都是基本的事实。十一届三中全会以来的十多年,我们实现了社会稳定、政治稳定和经济发展,整个国家经济提高到了一个新的水平。联合国贸发会议1994年9月发表的最新报告认为,中国是继日本和“四小龙”之后出现的又一个“经济奇迹”。这些成就的取得,从根本上说,是广大党员、干部与群众团结奋斗的结果。孔繁森就是许许多多优秀共产党员的一个缩影。我们讲党风,应该讲三大作风,不能把党风只归结到有某些腐败现象这一个方面的问题上来,更不能因为党风廉政建设方面存在一些问题,就把我们党全盘否定掉。当然,还必须看到目前腐败现象仍十分严重。突 Carrying out the anti-corruption struggle is a major event in the current political life of the party and the country. In accordance with the requirements of the Central Government and the provincial Party committee, it is necessary to grasp more clearly and grasp the truth and achieve the new result of the anti-corruption struggle. We must further clarify and grasp a few issues from the ideological understanding. First, we must affirm that the mainstream of the party’s work style is good, but we must fully affirm the seriousness of the current corruption we can not ignore the mainstream trend of our party’s work style. Because all our undertakings are guided by Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics and the leadership of the party Central Committee with Comrade Jiang Zemin as the core is strong and strong. The party’s line, principles and policies are correct. The majority of party members and Cadres are honest and honest, these are basic facts. For more than a decade since the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Government, we have achieved social stability, political stability and economic development, bringing the economy of our country as a whole to a new level. According to the latest report released by UNCTAD in September 1994, China is yet another “economic miracle” after Japan and the “four little dragons.” The achievement of these achievements is fundamentally the result of the unification of the vast number of party members, cadres and the masses in their struggle. Kong Fansen is a microcosm of so many outstanding communists. When talking about the style of the party work, we should talk about the three major work styles and we should not at least attribute the party’s work style to the issue of certain corrupt phenomena. We must not totally negate our party because of some problems in the party’s work style and the establishment of a clean and honest government. Of course, we must also realize that the current corruption is still very serious. sudden
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