高古野逸 情思隽永——张俊奎的山水画

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张俊奎,山东青岛莱西市人,1963年出生,毕业于山东大学,中国美协山东分会会员。现为《中国美术》主任编辑,中国美术创作研究院专业画家,北京国画艺术家协会会员,中国国家画院曾来德工作室画家。1993年诗集《燃烧的雪》由山东文艺出版社出版;2003年山水作品入编河北美术出版社中国画名家技法丛书《临摹与创作》;2004年山水组画入选山东省庆祝建国五十五周年及全国第十届美展山东预选展;2005年写生作品获山东省第三届写生作品展优秀奖;2006年作品参加山东省建设社会主义新农村全省巡回展;2006年作品参加《水墨清音——当代中国画名家邀请展》;2007年作品参加《走近经典——2007年度优秀水墨画家作品邀请展》;2007年作品参加《齐鲁画风——第四届山东优秀国画家推介展》;2008年作品参加第六届《牡丹杯》中国画名家提名展;2008年作品参加《桃李缘·湿地情》全国中国画提名展;2008年作品参加《笔墨情缘》中国国家画院曾来德工作室书画展;2008年作品参加中国国家画院全体学员作品汇报展;2009年作品参加《亚洲艺术高端市场博览会》;2009年作品参加《纪念毛泽东诞辰116周年全国书画作品展》;2010年作品参加《相约文博·第二届中国(山东)书画名家邀请展》;2010年作品参加《第二届中国山水画艺术双年展》;2010年作品参加《中日书画交流精品展》。期间在省级以上刊物发表诗歌及美术评论文章近百篇,并出版有个人画集两种、个人专题片一集及合集数十种。 Zhang Junkui, Lacey City, Qingdao, Shandong, born in 1963, graduated from Shandong University, China Association of Shandong branch. He is currently a director of “Chinese Art”, a professional painter of China Academy of Art and Design, a member of Beijing Chinese Painting Artists Association, and a painter of Zeng Laide studio of China National Academy of Painting. 1993 Collection of poems “burning snow” published by Shandong Literature and Art Publishing House; 2003 works of landscapes into the Hebei Fine Arts Publishing House masterpieces of Chinese painting techniques “copy and creation”; 2004 Shanshui group paintings selected Shandong Province to celebrate the 55th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic The tenth art exhibition in Shandong Preselection; 2005 sketches won the Shandong Province third sketch exhibition Excellence Award; 2006 works in Shandong Province to build a new socialist countryside touring exhibition; 2006 works to participate in “Ink and wash voice - contemporary 2007 Invitation to Exhibition of Chinese Famous Artists ”; 2007 Work“ Approaching the Classics - Invitational Exhibition of the 2007 Outstanding Ink Painters ”; 2007 Works Participate in the“ Qilu Painting - The Fourth Shandong Excellent Chinese Painter’s Promotion Exhibition ”; 2008 Works Participated in the 6th “Peony Cup” famous Chinese Painting Nomination Exhibition; 2008 works in the “Peach Blossom Spring wetland” National Chinese Painting Nomination Exhibition; 2008 works to participate in the “Love of Pen and Ink” China National Art Institute Zeng Lide studio calligraphy and painting exhibition; 2008 Works to participate in the China National Painting Institute all students work report exhibition; 2009 works to participate in “Asian art high-end market Expo”; “Commemorate the 116th anniversary of the birth of Mao Zedong’s National Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition”; 2010 works to participate in “Meet the same blog? The Second China (Shandong) Painting and Calligraphy Famous Invitation Exhibition” 2010 works to participate in the “Second Chinese Landscape Painting Art Biennale” 2010 Work in the “Sino-Japanese calligraphy and painting exchange boutique exhibition.” During the period above provincial-level publications published poetry and art review articles nearly a hundred, and published two personal paintings, a collection of personal feature films and dozens of collection.
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清江水曲,画面长阳石。歌鼓土家山伴旅,物欲言谈必实。新朋觚酒相施,恰如故旧逢时。原本一般嗜好,引来高雅陈词。——清平乐《写进长阳》 Qingjiang song, the screen Chang