Development of a 100

来源 :HighPowerLaserScienceandEngineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xacxd1964
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In this paper we review the design and development of a 100 J, 10 Hz nanosecond pulsed laser, codenamed DiPOLE100X, being built at the Central Laser Facility (CLF). This 1 kW average power diode-pumped solid-state laser (DPSSL) is based on a master oscillator power amplifier (MOPA) design, which includes two cryogenic gas cooled amplifier stages based on DiPOLE multi-slab ceramic Yb:YAG amplifier technology developed at the CLF. The laser will produce pulses between 2 and 15 ns in duration with precise, arbitrarily selectable shapes, at pulse repetition rates up to 10 Hz, allowing real-time shape optimization for compression experiments. Once completed, the laser will be delivered to the European X-ray Free Electron Laser (XFEL) facility in Germany as a UK-funded contribution in kind, where it will be used to study extreme states of matter at the High Energy Density (HED) instrument.
The effective index of the cladding fundamental space-filling mode in photonic crystal fiber (PCF) is simulated by the effective index method. The variation of the effective index with the structure parameters of the fiber is achieved. For the first time,
浮游植物光合作用参数的快速测量对水华和赤潮灾害预警及水体生态研究具有重要作用。针对高速重复脉冲(FRR)光合作用参数测量技术中由窄脉冲光源激发引起的高数据采样率问题,采用单光脉冲实现单周转模式激发,应用脉冲积分法实现弛豫模式微弱光脉冲信号检测,设计了基于可变光脉冲诱导荧光的浮游植物光合作用参数测量系统,将数据采样率需求由10 MS/s以上降低至1 MS/s。实现了浮游植物光系统II(PSII)功能吸收截面、PSII最大光化学量子产率以及QA-(还原后的初级电子受体)再氧化时间常数的快速测量。实验表明,测量
分析了激光成像雷达系统中的微机电系统(MEMS)振镜的振动特性,对影响MEMS振动角度的关键因素:频率和驱动电压对振动角度的影响进行了实验测量。研究结果表明,选择60~200 Hz要求的扫描频率、60 V以上的驱动电压可以实现角度相对较大、同时又能满足系统64~256 s-1分辨率要求。
A novel type of mid-IR microresonator, the chalcogenide glass (ChG) microfiber knot resonator (MKR), is demonstrated, showing easy fabrication, fiber-compatible features, resonance tunability, and high robustness. ChG microfibers with typical diameters ar
双包层光纤激光器的输出性能及稳定性与包层光的滤除程度有关。光纤激光器输出光中的剩余抽运光不仅会影响到输出光的单色性,还会对输出设备造成损害,甚至破坏光学器件。通常在内包层外涂一种高折射的导光胶来滤除包层光,但此方法使包层光在较短的长度内被大量地滤除,导致热沉上功率密度较高,给散热带来较大的压力。实验中采用3种不同折射率的导光胶,分步滤除包层光,减小局部温度过高。采用Zemax和Matlab软件研究了此滤除方式的特点,搭建了验证实验系统。实验结果表明,输出激光中的包层光已被滤除,滤除效果可达到20 dB,且
采用皮秒激光对石英玻璃进行打孔实验,探究了石英玻璃在532 nm皮秒激光作用下的损伤阈值,同时通过控制变量法研究了激光能量密度、脉冲持续时间和激光重复频率等参数对石英玻璃加工孔径与深度的影响,并对这种规律进行简要的分析。通过实验最终得出皮秒量级下石英玻璃的损伤阈值约为2.01 J/cm2,并发现所加工石英玻璃的孔径与深度在一定范围内与激光能量密度和加工时间成正比,但增速最终趋于平缓;激光重复频率对小孔加工质量亦有重要影响。最后,在得到的损伤阈值和加工规律基础上对加工参数进行了初步优化,获得了无裂纹、表面形
A clock laser based on a 30-cm-long ultrahigh finesse optical cavity was developed to improve the frequency stability of the Sr optical lattice clock at the National Institute of Metrology. Using this clock laser to probe the spin-polarized
A temperature-tunable polarization interference filter (PIF) made of YVO4 crystal has been presented and applied for wavelength locking of a distributed feedback (DFB) semiconductor laser in dense wavelengthdivision-multiplexing (DWDM) optical communicati