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1994年,无论是从发展速度,还是总体供求关系上看,我国国民经济基本踏上了正常的运行轨道,这意味着宏观调控已经取得了一定成效,但与此同时,我国经济中依然存在着若干不平衡的方面,如高涨不下的物价指数,日益膨胀的财政赤字,难有突破的国企改革,以及日益严重的农业危机等等。事实已经证明,这些问题是制约当前经济发展的“瓶颈”。在此形势下,1995年中央政府将如何带领全国人民来驾驭这趟经济列车呢?带着这个问题,本刊记者采访了国务院发展研究中心高级研究员季崇威。 记者:季老,您可以和我们谈谈您对我国当前经济形势总的看法吗? 季:好啊。我个人认为,1994年在改革上突出的成就是:财税、金融、外汇、外贸等方面的改革跨出了决定性的步伐,在解决中央财政与地方财政的关系上将承包制改为分税制,实行以增值税为主要内容的税制改革,明确中央银行的主要职责是掌握货币政策和实行宏观调控,特别是将外汇并轨为单一汇率,建立以全国统一的市场供需关系为基础的外汇市场,实行有管理的浮动汇率和在经常项目下实行有条件的可兑换,取消外汇券和禁止外币在境内流通等,都是多年来想改革而未能实行的。1994年实施的这些改革,是向市场机制靠拢了一大步,对国内外都有深远影响。 In 1994, the national economy of our country basically embarked on a normal track in terms of its pace of development or overall supply and demand. This meant that macroeconomic regulation and control had achieved some success. However, at the same time, there still exist some problems in our economy A number of imbalances, such as the soaring inflationary index, the growing budget deficit, the difficult breakthrough in state-owned enterprise reform, and the growing agricultural crisis, have been reported. Facts have proved that these problems are the “bottlenecks” restricting the current economic development. Under such circumstances, how will the Central Government lead the people of the country to control the economic trains in 1995? With this question, we interviewed Ji Chongwei, a senior researcher at the State Council Development Research Center. Reporter: Season old, you can talk to us about your general view of the current economic situation in our country? Season: Well. I personally think that the outstanding achievements in the reform in 1994 were that the reforms in finance and taxation, finance, foreign exchange and foreign trade took a decisive step and changed the contract system into a tax-sharing system in the settlement of the relationship between the central finance and the local finance. The tax reform with the main content of VAT is to clarify that the central responsibility of the Central Bank is to master monetary policy and implement macro-economic control. In particular, foreign exchange should be merged into a single exchange rate and a foreign exchange market based on the unified supply and demand in the market should be established. The management of floating exchange rates and the conditional convertibility under current account, the cancellation of foreign exchange certificates and the prohibition on the circulation of foreign currency in the territory have all been the result of reform over the years and have not been implemented. These reforms, implemented in 1994, are a big step toward the market mechanism and have far-reaching effects both at home and abroad.
摘 要:新的《国家学生体质健康标准》实施后,学生的测试项目与以往相比有了很多变化,作为一线教师,在实施过程中遇到以下问题:1.测试项目增多,增加工作量;2.测试内容复杂,增加测试难度;3.测试较耗时,影响教学进度。体育教学课是《体质健康标准》测试的有效载体,只有通过有效地途径最大限度发挥其作用,使学生得到科学、持续的发展,才能在体质测试中得到满意的成绩。通过研究力求使体质健康测试与体育教学有效结合