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不少内陆中小企业因为缺乏外贸经验和外贸人才,或觉得运营成本太高、程序复杂,放弃了可能产生更大经济效益的外贸业务。2015年,湖北外贸总额全国排名第16位,而当年湖北经济总量排在第8位,这两个排名形成了较大反差。外贸依存度(即进出口总额与国民生产总值之比),是反映一个地区经济外向程度的重要分析指标。当前,中部地区外贸依存度普遍较低,这也是制约当地经济发展的重要因素之一。相比内陆地区,沿海省份外贸依存度较高。事实上,很多沿海外贸企业从内陆采购大量特产, Because of the lack of foreign trade experience and foreign trade professionals, many inland SMEs feel that the operation cost is too high and the procedures are complicated, and they have given up their foreign trade businesses that may have greater economic benefits. In 2015, the total volume of foreign trade in Hubei ranked 16th in the country, while the total amount of Hubei’s economy was ranked 8th in the same year. The two rankings formed a large contrast. The degree of dependence on foreign trade (that is, the ratio of total imports and exports to the gross national product) is an important indicator of the degree of outward economic orientation in a region. At present, the dependence on foreign trade in the central region is generally low, which is one of the important factors that restrict the development of the local economy. Compared with the inland areas, the coastal provinces have a high degree of dependence on foreign trade. In fact, many coastal foreign trade enterprises purchase a large number of special products from inland areas,
Moral of the Story 故事的寓意  Be thankful for what you have. Be creative. Be innovative. Think differently and positively.  感激你所拥有的一切。要创造,要革新,要用不同的方式进行积极的思考。  When life gives you 100 reasons to cry, show
近日,“倒写体”走红网络。对于这种解读经典的新方法,年轻人着迷不已,而倒写体走红背后又隐藏着怎样的情结呢?  If the Hollywood movie The Curious Case of Benjamin Button suggests that a life lived backwards can be far more enriching, then the latest online