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流行性颌下腺炎是一种较少见的传染病,其临床表现与流行性腮腺炎相同,仅部位在颌下腺。腮腺炎病毒借唾液飞沫传播,经血流到达各种腺体或中枢神经系统。腮腺最易受累,也有仅表现在颌下腺或舌下腺者。本文3例均累及颌下腺而无腮腺肿大,故为流行性颌下腺炎,现报道如下: [例1] 王××,男性,22岁,住院号:83—2266,因颌下肿胀伴发热3天,于1983年3月23日来院就诊。2周前有流行性腮腺炎病人接触史。局部检查:两侧颌下腺肿大,边界不清,有弹性感,表面皮肤无明显充血,轻微压痛,口腔内口底部未见肿胀,颌下腺导管口未见异常分泌。两侧腮腺部未见肿胀。实验室检查:白细胞总数4700,中性 Epidemic submandibular gland inflammation is a rare infectious disease, its clinical manifestations and mumps the same, only in the submandibular gland. Mumps virus spread by saliva droplets, the blood flow to reach the various glands or the central nervous system. Parotid most vulnerable to involvement, there are only manifested in the submandibular gland or sublingual gland. This article 3 cases were involved in the submandibular gland without parotid gland enlargement, it is endemic submandibular gland inflammation, are reported as follows: [Example 1] Wang × ×, male, 22 years old, hospital number: 83-2266, due to submandibular swelling with fever 3 Day, March 23, 1983 came to hospital. History of exposure to mumps two weeks ago. Local examination: both sides of the submandibular gland enlargement, unclear boundary, a sense of elasticity, the surface of the skin was not hyperemia, slight tenderness, mouth no swelling at the bottom of mouth, no abnormal secretion of submandibular gland duct mouth. No parotid swelling on both sides. Laboratory tests: white blood cells total 4700, neutral
总结1993年3月至1995年8月我院用甲硝唑治疗经青霉素治疗无效的急性盆腔炎32例,取得了满意效果,现报告如下: 1.临床资料 1.1 一般资料 本组共32例,均接受青霉素治疗症状无改
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我院曾收治一例多发性骨髓瘤并脑膜骨髓瘤病人,在治疗中误将200mg甲氨喋呤注入鞘内引起严重反应,现报道如下: 病例摘要患者女性,37岁。主因头痛眼胀伴眼球外突10个月,于1988
报道:李某某,男,37岁。1987年2月,因双膝关节疼痛,口服扑1 炎痛1.0g,服后无不适感。服药后3小时解小便发现尿呈洗肉水色,送化验检查,红细胞满视野。无明显自觉症状,近来未服
随着群众性泌球系疾病普查的开展,儿童中无症状性蛋白尿检出率日益增高。有关此病,已有不少报道,本文总结20例病人的临床过程及病理表现。材料和方法 1968~1984年,20岁以下病