Establishment, maintenance, and re-establishment of the safe and efficient steady-following state

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jeaceinter
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We present an integrated mathematical model of vehicle-following control for the establishment, maintenance, and re-establishment of the previous or new safe and efficient steady-following state. The hyperbolic functions are introduced to establish the corresponding mathematical models, which can describe the behavioral adjustment of the following vehicle steered by a well-experienced driver under complex vehicle following situations. According to the proposed mathematical models, the control laws of the following vehicle adjusting its own behavior can be calculated for its moving in safety,efficiency, and smoothness(comfort). Simulation results show that the safe and efficient steady-following state can be well established, maintained, and re-established by its own smooth(comfortable) behavioral adjustment with the synchronous control of the following vehicle’s velocity, acceleration, and the actual following distance. The hyperbolic functions are introduced to establish the corresponding mathematical models, which can describe the behavioral adjustment of the following vehicle steered by a well-experienced driver under complex vehicle following situations. According to the proposed mathematical models, the control laws of the following vehicle adjusting its own behavior can be calculated for it moving in safety, efficiency, and smoothness Simulation results show that the safe and efficient steady-following state can be well established, maintained, and re-established by its own smooth (comfortable) behavioral adjustment with the synchronous control of the following vehicle’s velocity, acceleration, and the actual following distance
根据人发(2000)89号文件国家人事部、国家统计局授予: 贵南县统计局长先巴(藏族)“全国统计系统先进工作者”称号。现予以通报表彰。 According to the Ministry of Person
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