
来源 :中国水土保持 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xixijeffkol
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柳河流域总面积5725km~2,其中闹德海水库以上水土流失面积为4051km~2,包括辽宁省的阜新、彰武和内蒙古的库伦、奈曼等县(旗)。1983年列为国家重点治理区后,各级党委和政府把治理水土流失作为振兴经济、脱贫致富的一项战略措施,在水利部松辽委的指导下,充分依靠广大干部和群众,按照全国水土保持协调小组提出的“两三年理顺关系,打好基础, The total area of ​​Liuhe River Basin is 5725km ~ 2, of which the area of ​​soil erosion above Naodehai Reservoir is 4051km ~ 2, including Fuxin, Zhangwu in Liaoning Province and Coulomb, Neyman and other counties in Inner Mongolia. After being listed as a key state-controlled zone in 1983, party committees and governments at all levels regarded the management of soil and water loss as a strategic measure to rejuvenate the economy and lift poverty out of poverty. Under the guidance of the Songliao Committee of the Ministry of Water Resources, and depending on the cadres and the masses, Soil and Water Conservation Coordination Group proposed "two or three years to rationalize relations, lay a good foundation,
阐述了现场平衡的意义、过程、应注意的问题,给出了转子不平衡诊断、确定不平衡类型、平衡面数确定的方法并列举了实例。 The meaning, process and problems that should b
The interaction between congo red (CR) and amikacin (AMK) was studied by resonance Rayleigh scattering (RRS), frequency doubling scattering (FDS) and second-ord
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【目的】进一步了解小儿轮状病毒 (RV)肠炎的临床特点。【方法】回顾性分析 2 0 0 1— 2 0 0 3年住院的RV肠炎患儿的年龄、发病日期、症状、水电解质和酸碱平衡、并发症及院
我科自1996-12~1998-12,用微波多功能治疗机治疗慢性咽炎208例,报道如下。1 资料与方法1.1 临床病例 本组208例,男116例,女92例;年龄11~59岁,平均31岁。病史为6mo~20a,平均病程6a,其中慢性单纯性咽炎128例,慢性 Our department from
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