
来源 :商品混凝土 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:BrokenDoor
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现阶段在一些大型建筑或者是高层建筑的施工作业过程中,大钢模板混凝土浇筑是其中非常重要的施工环节。这种混凝土浇筑在施工时,主要的难点就是采取相关措施和手段来防止混凝土表面产生相应的裂缝。这主要是因为一旦混凝土在浇筑以及使用过程中出现裂缝,不但会影响整个建筑的结构外观质量,同时还会对结构建筑自身的稳定性以及整体性产生一定负面影响,严重时甚至会导致部分建筑结构的无法正常使用。因此这就要求我们在大钢模板混凝土浇筑作业过程中,一定要科学、合理的组织施工,认真安排施工工序,采取相关措施和手段来确保混凝土的整体质量。本文就结合在混凝土浇筑作业过程中存在的问题,对如何做好高层大钢模板混凝土浇筑质量控制进行详细的探究与讨论。 At this stage in some large buildings or high-rise buildings in the construction process, the large steel formwork concrete pouring is one of the most important aspects of the construction. The main difficulty in pouring concrete during construction is to take relevant measures and measures to prevent the corresponding cracks on the concrete surface. This is mainly because once the concrete cracks during pouring and use, it will not only affect the quality of the structure appearance of the whole building, but also have a certain negative impact on the stability and integrity of the structural building itself. In severe cases, some buildings may even be caused The structure can not be used normally. Therefore, this requires us in the process of steel pouring concrete formwork, we must be scientific and rational organization and construction, conscientiously arrange the construction process, to take relevant measures and means to ensure the overall quality of concrete. In this paper, the problems existing in the process of concrete pouring are analyzed in detail, and how to do the quality control of high-rise large-scale steel concrete pouring concrete is discussed and discussed in detail.
8月16日,由海德堡公司上海代表处与合肥美之乐包装公司联合举办的“美之印艺,至臻品质”——海德堡青浦速霸CD 102-4技术交流会暨合肥美之乐现场演示会在合肥新站利港喜来登
主任、副主任、秘书长、各位委员:    我受主任会议的委托,现就《浙江省各级人民代表大会常务委员会监督条例(草案)》(以下简称草案)作如下说明:    一、立法的必要性    监督权是宪法赋予各级人大常委会的一项重要职权。为了规范和保障各级人大常委会依法行使监督权,全国人大常委会于2006年8月审议通过了《中华人民共和国各级人民代表大会常务委员会监督法》(以下简称监督法)。根据监督法规定,省、自治
大咯血可并发窒息或出血性休克 ,是危及生命的急诊症状 ,病死率达 5 0 %~ 10 0 % [1] 。急诊科作为大咯血病人的主要首诊地 ,医生积极正确的处理对提高其救治成功率具有重要意
AIM To investigate the relationship between plasma ghrelin level, Helicobacter pylori(H. pylori) infection status and the severity of atrophy in hemodialysis pa