
来源 :工程机械 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yanzixu
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机油在工程机械的发动机中起着润滑、封闭、清洗和冷却的作用。如果变质失效就会加速机件的磨损,甚至导致烧瓦、拉缸的大事故。由于机油价格较贵,如何延长机油的使用寿命,就成为广大机务人员十分关注的问题。1 防止水分混入机油机油进水后就变成乳白色,并迅速变质,失去润滑作用。因此,加油要防止水分或雨雪混入机油之中。有些发动机的冷却水泵是通过正时齿轮室传动的,如果水封失效,冷却液便会由此流入油底壳。若发现机油油面上升,应寻找原因,排除故障后方可继续工作。2 防止杂质侵入机油杂质侵入机油后会象磨料那样渗进各运动件的配合面,并将大大缩短其使用寿命。因此,加注机油时一定要确保清洁,防止灰砂尘土的侵入。还应按时保养空气滤清器和柴油滤清器, Engine oil in the construction machinery plays a lubrication, sealing, cleaning and cooling role. If metamorphic failure will accelerate the wear and tear parts, and even lead to burning tile, pull the cylinder of the accident. As the oil price is more expensive, how to extend the service life of oil, has become the majority of maintenance personnel are very concerned about the issue. 1 to prevent moisture mixed with oil After the oil into the milky white, and rapidly deterioration, loss of lubrication. Therefore, to prevent moisture or snow mixed oil into the oil. Some engine cooling water pumps are driven through a timing gear chamber, where coolant can flow into the oil pan if the water seal fails. If you find that the oil level rise, you should find the reason, troubleshooting can continue to work. 2 to prevent impurities intrusion of oil impurities Invade the oil will be as abrasive as penetration into the mating surface of the moving parts, and will greatly shorten its service life. Therefore, when filling the oil must ensure that clean, prevent dust intrusion. Should also be on time maintenance of air filters and diesel filters,
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