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目的 :了解农村妇女围绝经期综合征患病情况,实现该病的认识普及,提高广大围绝经期农村妇女的自我保健意识以及改善身心健康,提高生活质量,为农村妇女提供健康咨询及就医指导,引起广大社会对农村妇女健康的关注。方法 :整群随机抽样问卷调查,抽取乐山市犍为县2015年10月到2016年3月——40到60岁围绝经期妇女共计3000例,调查其患病情况、影响因素以及就医情况,为进一步实施积极有效的干预措施提供依据。并对其普及围绝经期保健知识,比较认知普及前后对于围绝经期综合征的认识。结果 :共发放问卷3000份,回收有效问卷2915份(有效率97.1%)。被调查妇女中963例患有围绝经期综合征,患病率为33.0%。绝经年龄平均48.9岁。其中围绝经期综合征轻度(518例,53.8%);中度(288例,29.9%);重度(155例,16.1%)。963例患病妇女积极就诊的(选项有、经常有、总是有)518例(53.8%),患病妇女没有或少有接受治疗(46.2%)。影响因素:年龄、月经情况、负性生活事件、夫妻关系、孕产情况、体质、自我保健意识、药物避孕、心理因素等。认知普及前,当地妇女对围绝经期综合征相关知识不甚了解;普及后大多数妇女了解相关保健知识,并积极就医。结论:加强围绝经期妇女保健知识的认知普及,提高其自我保健知识,通过健康教育、心理保健、专科咨询以及雌激素替代治疗等有效的干预措施来缓解围绝经期的症状,可有效提高围绝经期妇女的生活质量,帮助广大中老年妇女健康愉快地度过更年期。 OBJECTIVE: To understand the prevalence of perimenopausal syndrome in rural women, to achieve universal access to the disease, to improve the awareness of self-care of rural women in the perimenopausal period, to improve their physical and mental health, to improve their quality of life, to provide rural women with health counseling and medical guidance , Causing the majority of society’s concern about the health of rural women. Methods: A total of 3000 cases of perimenopausal women from October 2015 to March 2016 - 40 to 60 years old were enrolled in the randomized cluster questionnaire survey. The prevalence, influencing factors and medical conditions were investigated. Further implementation of positive and effective interventions to provide the basis. And its universal perimenopausal health knowledge, awareness of perimenopausal syndrome before and after more awareness. Results: A total of 3000 questionnaires were distributed and 2915 valid questionnaires were returned (97.1% efficiency). Of the women surveyed, 963 had perimenopausal syndrome with a prevalence of 33.0%. The average age of menopause is 48.9 years old. Among them, menopausal syndrome was mild (518 cases, 53.8%); moderate (288 cases, 29.9%); severe (155 cases, 16.1%). There were 518 (53.8%) of the 963 active women who had active treatment (options, often, always), with or without minimal treatment (46.2%). Influencing factors: age, menstrual conditions, negative life events, marital relations, maternal conditions, physical fitness, self-care awareness, drug contraception, psychological factors. Before the universalization of knowledge, local women did not have a good understanding of the related knowledge about perimenopausal syndrome. Most women after the universalization knew about health care and actively sought medical treatment. Conclusion: To enhance pervasive awareness of peri-menopausal women’s health knowledge and improve their knowledge of self-care can effectively improve the symptoms of perimenopausal women through effective interventions such as health education, mental health care, specialist counseling and estrogen replacement therapy Quality of life for menopausal women, helping the majority of middle-aged and elderly women to spend menopause happy.
法国梧桐是世界上被园林学专家、植物学学者公认的“行道树大王。” 几年前,一些人在媒体上频频发表言论把法桐说得“一无是处,”甚至“十恶不赦。”一时间,南方的一些城市
一提到骨质疏松,大家马上会想到更年期女性,那为啥女性就更易受到骨质疏松的侵袭呢?金主任表示,孩子生得多也是加重骨质疏松的一个重要诱因。  频繁生育是罪魁祸首  李女士今年刚40多岁,前段时间拖地时不小心滑倒了,腰部疼痛难耐。到中大医院检查发现,竟然有三节腰椎发生粉碎性骨折。经过骨密度检查后发现,李女士的骨密度比正常值低很多。金主任经过仔细问诊发现,李女士曾生育7个孩子,而且每个孩子只间隔1~2年,