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目前夏收夏种工作已经取得了决定性的胜利。早晚收割已经基本结束,晚稻插秧也已基本完成,其它夏秋播作物正在积极抢播。但是据各地反映,今年害虫种类多,密度大,繁殖蔓延快,为害范围广,部分一季晚稻和早栽的二季晚稻,受浮尘子、稻苞虫的严重危害,有的已出现黄苗死苗现象;三代三化螟更普遍地在全省各地先后盛发,正处在螟卵盛孵高举时期。由于三代三化螟发生基数大,繁殖力强,卵块密度高,对一季晚稻和早栽的二季晚稻也造成严重威胁,如果抓得不紧,防治不好,不仅会造成大量枯心 The summer harvest summer has made a decisive victory. Morning and evening harvest has basically ended, late rice transplanting has basically completed, other summer autumn sowing crops are actively grab broadcast. However, it has been reported from various places that the pest species are large, the density is large, the propagation is rapid and the damage is widespread. Some late-season rice and early-planted late rice in the second season are severely endangered by the floating dust and rice-shell insects. Phenomenon; three generations of Borer more widespread in the province has been flourishing, is in the albino egg hatching aloft. As a result of three generation Borer borer large base, strong fertility, high egg mass, late rice and early seasons of the second season late rice also poses a serious threat, if not caught tight, prevention is not good, not only will cause a lot of dry heart
随着医院改革的深入发展 ,信息管理已成为强化医院科学管理 ,促进医院自身发展的重要手段。《统计法》是统计信息事业发展的根本保证 ,科学的信息管理体制是贯彻、实施《统计
草是个颇具“矛盾”的植物,有的受到优遇,有的却遭到灭顶之灾。为什么呢?请往下看。 非凡的生命力 在农业生产中,草被称为杂草,即非有意识栽培的植物,如油菜地里的看麦娘、
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